Sweet Pit Bull Discovers Wild Baby Bunny And Adopts Him

Apr 22, 2019

There are dogs that you wouldn't dare mess with because of how vicious and aggressive they can be when provoked.

One breed with a particularly vicious reputation is the American Pit Bull Terrier, most commonly known as the Pit Bull. These dogs were originally trained to rear cattle, but are also found in city apartments. They are quite strong and often take part in weight pulling competitions.

Which is why the following Pit Bull story is all the more touching.

A farm Pit Bull named Sharky was taking a day off from the farm activities and doing rounds in the yard. That's when he came across a baby cottontail bunny. Instead of trying to scare off the animal, Sharky befriended the little guy and decided to adopt him. He took the bunny home and started to look after it.

In the online video, you can see Sharky cleaning the little guy carefully by licking him. Sparky then lets the bunny play around the living room as he leans over and watches over it like a proud parent.


As much as science tells us that the animal kingdom is all about survival of the fittest, Sparky and this little bunny tell a different story.

It shows that animals can have compassion for one another, and it isn't always about who eats who.

Have you ever witnessed a touching animal relationship like the one between Sparky and the bunny? What was your reaction to it? How do your pets interact with each other? Tell us your stories in the comments and make sure to show this video to your friends.