Sweet Baby Girl Sees Her Mother Clearly For The First Time

Aug 14, 2019

Raising kids is one of the most demanding jobs, but children provide precious moments that make it all worth it. Piper is a baby girl who was born with a rare eye disease called Oculocutaneous Albinism. It is a genetic condition that causes Nystagmus, a disorder that makes it difficult for her to focus her eyes.

When little Piper was nearly five months old, she got her first pair of glasses. The first time she laid eyes on her mom, she looked very happy. Her reaction has been captured on video and posted online. A moment like this is a rare thing to witness. It's so fortunate that this baby is able to see with her new glasses. Most people take the gift of sight for granted, and these moments remind us of how lucky we are. 


The reality of babies who suffer from genetic conditions that deprive them of sight is sometimes heartbreaking, but medical technology is constantly making new strides to help these precious children. Kids with albinism have eyesight problems because of the lack of pigment in their eyes and in the retina that can cause a variety of issues. With her new glasses, Piper can enjoy the sights around her.

Most children have to wait a little bit longer to receive corrective eyewear. Many congenital disorders require surgeries or other treatments before a prescription can be filled. So Piper got lucky to get to see clearly at a young age!

Her reaction is priceless to watch! Do you have any similar stories of little kids with eye problems? Let us know in the comments. If this story warmed your heart, let your friends know about it.