Study Reveals That A Bad Boss Can Make Employees Sick

Dec 07, 2018

According to a survey, the top reason Americans are unhappy and stressed out at work is a perceived lack of support and help from their bosses. Many studies have confirmed a direct relationship between leadership effectiveness and employee commitment, but according to recent studies, bad bosses could impact more than just their employee's level of engagement.

It's natural to assume that a bad boss would put an employee's mental health at risk, and scientific studies have supported this theory. However, a Norwegian study has confirmed that bad managers actually have a negative impact on their employees' physical health, as well. 3,100 men who worked at various companies were surveyed on their perception of their managers. The employees who were able to describe their managers positively were 40% less likely to suffer from a heart attack.

This clear link between poor management and health risks was the first of its kind, though a previous study determined that employees are 13% more at risk for heart disease and 33% more likely to suffer from a stroke when they are dealing with the chronic stress that comes from being overworked.​

Despite these health risks, people with abusive supervision and toxic bosses are actually likely to stay in their job for longer than those who are happy with their working conditions - two whole years longer, on average. Why? According to research, it's because they feel 'stuck'. Employees feel emotionally exhausted and don't have the energy to search for a job where they would feel less stressed and therefore more healthy.

When employees are able to work up the energy to find a new job, however, over half of them report leaving "to get away from their boss," according to a Gallup survey of 7,200 individuals.

But as it turns out, having a bad boss isn't necessarily all bad news.

According to a study done by Michigan State University, if your boss is consistently a jerk, you're better off than those who have inconsistently unfair supervisors. Plus, you're learning valuable conflict resolution skills and your boss is practically writing the book for you on what not to do if you were ever to be in their position.

Do you have a bad boss? Let us know in the comments and pass this on to all the people in your life who have been affected by truly bad management!

If you belong to the list of people with bad bosses, you probably already know it. But how do you know if you are a bad boss? Bad bosses are overly aggressive, narcissistic and unempathetic. They often say phrases like "We've always done it like this", "You can count yourself lucky to even have a job" and "This place is a mess when I'm not around." Given the present market conditions, it is not an easy decision to quit one's job and start over entirely. This soon becomes a habit and the level of motivation sinks.

Here are some simple strategies that can help you survive those hard to bear moments when your boss is really getting on your nerves:

  1. Take a deep breath and focus on the positives of your job. Do you have coworkers that you love? An awesome cafeteria? Great tasks? There's always a silver lining, even if it's small.
  2. Everyone has good qualities, even your boss. Focus on those, and make sure you respond well when they put in an effort to be positive - it might just encourage them to do it more often.
  3. Always act extra professional, even when your boss is being a bully. If you respond emotionally, it could encourage them. If you respond like a professional adult, they might just take a page from your book.
  4. Learn what makes them tick - and avoid things that trigger negative responses for them. Until you can find someone better to work for, you need to figure out what to do in order to survive.
  5. Last, but not least, do not let the cycle continue. Don't let your bosses bad behavior make you behave badly now or in the future. In fact, vow to yourself that if you're ever in a position of power, you'll be the good boss you always dreamed of having!

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation by your doctor. Your health is important to us!