Study Reveals Stay-At-Home Moms Should Get A Salary Of At Least $160,000

Jan 28, 2019

Being a parent can be an ungrateful and tough job, but you don't earn any money for doing it. Unless you count the hugs and kisses you receive from your kids as payment, you are not getting a reward for all the hard work you put in as a mother. Every year, the website calculates how much a stay-at-home mom would earn if she received a salary, and this year, they have done it again.

A mother's work encompasses a lot of little jobs within the entire package, and these include the roles of executive housekeeper, teacher, and bookkeeper. The salaries for these three different jobs were combined to give us a base salary for a stay-at-home mom. For 2019, it has been determined that stay-at-home mothers would earn $162,581 if they were to be paid.

It seems that believes that mothers deserve to be well off, and we agree!

It doesn't look as if mothers are ever going to receive a paycheck for the work that they do, but it doesn't hurt to calculate the amount that they would receive if it were to ever happen. The fact that the salary is so high tells us that a mother really does a lot of work. They are actually handling several jobs, and they are doing it all in one day. That means something! stated, "We would like to recognize both professional and stay-at-home Moms on their unwavering dedication to their families and responsibilities."

A stay-at-home mom's work is truly never done, and she is constantly switching roles throughout the day. These mothers may be their families' bookkeepers, chauffeurs, housekeepers, and nannies. We all know that stay-at-home moms don't get paid for what they do, so they must have something other than a job that will support them and their kids. Their spouses pick up the slack, but they also stretch their savings or return to work before they are ready to do so.

Let's consider the day when stay-at-home moms do earn the salary they would earn if they were working outside of the home. knows this figure and publishes it every year.

To calculate the pay that stay-at-home moms would receive, used their "Salary Wizard" and entered the salary information for several jobs that stay-at-home moms are known for doing. Those jobs included the following:

The salary came to $162,581, and it is $5,000 more than 2017's calculations. As a matter of fact, this salary increases every year! The calculations inform us that stay-at-home moms work 96 hours per week.

If you are a working mom, you are included in the calculations by That's because every parent does the jobs that were listed above every day.

When the salary made its way to the internet, many people had something to say about it. Several people expressed their total agreement with the amount that calculated. If the salary appears to be high for some people, it may be because these people don't think that being a mother is that hard. Some people objected to the number because working mothers are also doing the work of stay-at-home mothers as well as the jobs they have outside the home, and one of them weighed in with the following:

"How about just MOM in general? I don't understand why there is so much focus on stay at home moms. Those of us that have to work still have to squeeze in everything when we get home and on days off that they get all day to get done!"

Someone has been left out of this conversation, and they are the stay-at-home dads. The question was bound to come up, and it did: "What about dads?"

The answer in this instance would be the same if the dad is doing the same work as the mom.

Let us know what you think about these calculations? Do you agree or disagree? We would be interested in knowing what you think about this issue, so let us know! Be sure to tell your friends about this article and let them join the discussion!