Studies Prove That Coconut Oil Is Just As Unhealthy As Butter And Beef Fat

Jun 11, 2018

According to heart experts in the United States, coconut oil is just as unhealthy as butter and beef drippings. 

The oil is high in saturated fat, which can raise LDL or "bad" cholesterol, the American Heart Association asserts. Coconut oil is sold commonly as a superfood or health food, and a lot of people claim that the oil's fat is actually good for you. However, the American Heart Association says there are no reliable studies to support this claim.

Is the Healthy Reputation of Coconut Oil a Myth? 

Learning which fats are good and which are harmful can be confusing to say the least. 

Lard and other animal fasts are generally viewed negatively, which oils that are derived from plants, like sunflower and olive oils, are often healthier choices. 

This principle is based on how much saturated fat is in the oil, and animal fats are higher in saturated fat. 

Are Saturated Fats Bad? 

Saturated fats are believed to be bad for human health, but everyone doesn't agree with this notion. 

Eating foods that are high in saturated fat on a regular basis can increase LDL cholesterol levels, and this could cause the arteries to become clogged, which can raise the risk of stroke and heart disease. 

According to the American Heart Association, 82% of coconut oil fat is saturated, which is more than the saturated fat in lard (39%) and butter (50%). Studies have shown that the saturated fat in coconut oil, like other saturated fats, can raise bad cholesterol. 

Some claim that since there is a combination of fats in coconut oil, the oil is healthy to consume, but the American Heart Association claims there is no proof to support this. The organization says that it's best to limit saturated oil and replace it with vegetable oils that are unsaturated. 

Making the Healthy Switch 

The American Heart Association says that studies show that using more unsaturated fat can lower cholesterol with the same intensity that cholesterol-lowering medications can. 

Lead author of American Heart Association research Dr. Frank Sacks, states that it's important to see the record straight on why research supports the notion that cutting out saturated fat to prevent heart disease and blood vessel clogging. 

Public Health England also advises people to stop eating so much saturated fat. The organization asserts that men should consume no more than 30g of saturated fat daily, women shouldn't eat more than 20g of the fat per day and that nutritional labels state how much saturated fat is in food. 

Experts still emphasize that fat is still a necessary part of a balanced diet, so we shouldn't cut fat out of our diets completely. Fat contains essential fatty acids that assists the body in absorbing A, D and E. 

Victoria Taylor from the British Heart Foundation stated that in order to eat well, it's not only about reducing fats or cutting down on certain types of fat and replacing them with whole grains and unsaturated fats, instead of filling up on refined carbohydrates and sugars. Taylor also says that a traditional Mediterranean diet has various health benefits that can reduce the risk of heart disease and high cholesterol. 

Taylor says that the British Heart Foundation recommends using healthier oils, along with fatty fish, seeds, nuts and avocado instead of eating foods like fatty meat, chocolate, and refined baked goods. 

Tips to Reduce Fat Consumption

The way you prepare your food can also reduce fat; poach, bake or grill your meats and vegetables instead of deep frying or roasting your meal. When you cook your meat and casseroles, spoon off the excess fat so you won't consume it. If you're making sandwiches, skip the butter of fatty spreads. 

It's also important to keep in mind that cholesterol is a fatty substance and LDL cholesterol can stick to the walls of the arteries and cause plaque to form, which leads to stroke and heart disease. HDL cholesterol is considered healthy for the body, and carries LDL cholesterol to your liver so it can be processed and travel out of the body. 

So What's The Truth?

Are you still convinced coconut oil is healthy? Show this to a friend who is nutty about coconut oil to see what they think!