Stress And Lost Sleep Due To Worries About Adult Children

Jul 29, 2019

It wasn't that long ago that we played together with our children. But before you know it, they grow up and soon they plan to stand on their own two feet. Many believe that the nights full of worrying will be over as soon as the children move out. However, a new study shows that exactly the opposite may be the case and that we are even more likely to worry than before. In this article, you can find out what this study is all about.

Too much worry can rob you of sleep

Each parent has certainly experienced one or the other situation: the adult son or daughter parties the night away again and you just can't catch any shuteye. Even in the early hours of the morning, your technically adult children aren't back home. Some mothers may be a little worried about that. Many even complain about hardly being able to think about sleep, because the concern is too great. Apparently, this does not change even if the children have already moved out.

Increased stress level even when it's about adult children

A new study from Pennsylvania State recently found out that even parents of adult children are very worried and therefore an increased stress level is noticeable.

The study examined 186 couples who had to use a scale to assess how often they supported their child - be it with advice, help or their company alone. The parents also had to record how stressed they felt by offering this help and how much they cared for their children. Also, they had to note how much sleep they got during such situations.

It was concluded that men themselves perceive such support as a burden and that this can have a very negative effect on their sleep rhythm. Mothers, on the other hand, were also found to have a negatively affected sleep cycle and even ended up sleeping shorter amounts.

Increased worry due to digital media

Researcher Amber J. Seidel also states that these negative effects are an indication that there is too much care for children. Although parents have always been involved in the lives of adult children, digital media has made this a much more negative reality nowadays.

A rather little known term for this is helicopter parents. One reason for this heightened concern is primarily smartphones and social media, as parents can track their child's every step and action - which doesn't have to be bad, but on the other hand, is much more worrisome.

Any kind of stress can have a negative effect on your sleep rhythm. Other negative mental and physical side effects are also possible if you suffer from permanent stress over a longer period of time. Parents should be aware of this and perhaps think about possible stress management therapies. It would also be good to ask yourself whether the concern is justified or not.

Whether sleep deprivation is responsible for stress or vice versa is still speculated about and can probably only be proven accurately with further studies.

It is normal for a parent to care for their child - even in adulthood. However, if symptoms such as stress and sleep deprivation result, you may want to think about whether these worries are really necessary. Often a conversation with the children can already help.

Show this article to your friends who are also parents so they know that their worries are normal and you can share your thoughts with them.

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