Street Performer Plays Stirring Traditional Rendition Of "Last Of The Mohicans" Theme Song

Oct 18, 2019

When walking the streets of a major urban area, it is often quite impressive to find so many amazing street performers sharing their talents for tips as they try to get discovered. Often, impressed bystanders will share videos that bring attention to their talent from a wider audience. Some savvy street performers also choose to record and share their own performances via social media.

Alexandro Querevalú is a street performer who has gained notoriety for the hauntingly beautiful way that he performs songs on his assortment of flutes and other instruments. While he plays a wide variety of recognizable songs, he puts his on distinctly Native American inspired style on them.

His most popular performance online is a 2015 video of his street performance of the theme song from the movie “The Last of the Mohicans,” which has been watched more than 44 million times. Alex’s rendition of “Colors of the Wind” from the Disney movie “Pocahontas” is also a very popular performance. He also performs some original compositions as part of his act.

Alex also dresses in garments inspired by the traditional dress of Native American tribes, which adds another layer of depth and beauty to his performances. He currently has more than 700,000 subscribers on YouTube, a number that continues to grow as he gains popularity.

Alexandro Querevalú’s ability to play soulful and serene versions of popular songs has made him a favorite on the street and online. Send this story about a talented street performer who had found a wider audience for his unique talents to someone who enjoys listening to the sweet sounds of success.