Stray Cat Stuck On Top Of Tree Clings Onto Man's Leg As It Is Being Rescued By Him Before Making A Safe Landing

Nov 14, 2020

Who does a cat turn to when he needs to be rescued? In this story from November 2020, the answer is a kindhearted student at Shandong Agricultural University located in the eastern Chinese city Tai'an. Luckily, an onlooker recorded the heroic rescue, and now the entire world can see this adorable cat returned to safety.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

The incident in this story occurred on the campus of Shandong Agricultural University, which is located in eastern China, according to the Daily Mail. On the day of the event, the air looks crisp, and the sky is a clear shade of blue. For most of the students on campus, this day was likely normal. They probably hurried to their classes, glancing at their phones and paying little attention to their surroundings.

However, one group of students contained members who were slightly more observant. As the friends chatted with each other on the way into the building, one of them happened to look up at a nearby tree.

Stuck in the Top of a Tree

The tree in question was a thin, leafless trunk with four slanted support beams intended to keep the tree standing through the winter. Although it was young, the tree still stood at an impressive height and made an attractive addition to the campus walkway.

Crouched at the top of the tree was a white cat. Sometime in the early morning — or perhaps even the evening before — the cat had climbed up one of the support beams and found a comfortable place in the branches. However, as the sunlight spilled across the parking lot, the feline realized that he didn't have a safe way down from his high-up vantage point.

Good Samaritans to the Rescue

Luckily, this cat did not live in an unkind neighborhood. As soon as he caught the observant student's eye, the cat let out a small meow that grabbed the rest of the group's attention. Without hesitation, the party of students gathered around the tree. It wasn't as tall as it could be, but the trunk was too slim to be climbed in a normal fashion. The group quickly deliberated about the best way to help the cat get free from his unfortunate situation.

A Kind Fellow Begins the Climb

Finally, one of the students decided that he had the skill needed to climb the tree without seriously damaging the weakened base. As he stepped forward and began to assess the situation, one of his friends pulled out a phone to record this unusual and exciting event.

After taking a moment to get his bearings, the man grabbed onto one of the support beams and begin his climb. In just a few moments, he had climbed high enough to reach the scared feline who was clinging to the top of the trunk.

The Kitty Clings to His Savior

The confident student calmly reached forward and grabbed the cat by the scruff of his neck. Although scared, the cat didn't protest much as he was lifted off the branches and slowly lowered towards the ground.

However, halfway through his descent, the cat decided that he needed more stability. The cat quickly swung its back legs and latched onto the leg of the student who was helping him.

A Gentle Dislodging

The cat clung to the man's leg with no apparent intention of letting go. As cute as the scene was, the truth was that the man couldn't climb down while the cat was still clinging to his leg. The other students quickly gathered beneath him, and one held out a jacket in order to soften the cat's fall.

Once a safety net was prepared, the student began gentle shaking his leg back and forth. After a few moments, the cat let go and dropped to the soft cloth that was waiting below.

One Happily Rescued Cat

Being stuck in a tree is scary, and being saved by strangers is never easy for a frightened feline. However, this cat was likely used to life on the streets, and it only took a few moments to recover. With a flick of his tail and a nod of thanks to the students who saved him, the cat quickly disappeared into the hedges around the school.

Satisfied with their good deed, the expanded group of students broke apart and returned to their normal schedules. The student who recorded the video posted it online as soon as they got a chance, and within a few days, the story of the rescued white cat went viral.

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