Stranger Confronts The Mean Lady For Yelling At A Young Boy Who Was Selling Candy Outside Target

Nov 22, 2018

Children often sell candy outside of stores for organizations and groups that they belong to, such as Girl Scouts. A brother and sister set up a table outside of a Target to sell candy when a woman made a point that she was not happy seeing them.

As Andy exited the Target where the children had their candy table set up, she saw an interaction between an older woman and the brother and sister that made her capture everything on video so that it could be shared with others.

The older woman asked the children if they had a license to sell the candy outside the store. She also asked them if they had permission from the store to set up the table.

The little boy is clearly frightened and states that he is just trying to make money with his sister. The woman begins telling the little boy that he will be arrested and that police officers are coming at any moment. Jay Lopez soon approaches the woman and the children.

He is clearly angry about the situation and tells the woman that he is going to buy all of the candy that the children are selling. Jay paid $80 for the candy and then gave it to some of the people who were leaving the store.

Do you think the old lady was mean and could have been more compassionate? What are your thoughts? Send this video to your family and friends and ask them the same question!