Stork Flies Thousands Of Miles Every Year Because His Injured Soulmate Can't Migrate

Nov 19, 2018

We have all had moments in life where we question the existence of true love. But for those that need a demonstration, the story of two storks will more than fit the bill.

A male stark by the name of Klepetan migrates to South Africa at the end of each summer. In the process, he leaves behind his partner Malena and the nest built by the two of them on a rooftop.

Malena stays behind in Croatia without her mate in the fall and winter months. But for the past 15 years, Klepetan has returned each March to be reunited with Malena for the spring and summer.

Malena suffered an injured wing more than 20 years ago at the hands of a hunter. Since the injury, she has been unable to fly. This has left Malena unable to join her mate on the 8,000-mile migration to South Africa each August. But this has not stopped Klepetan from returning to be with her each year when the weather is warm.

Storks do not always spend their entire lives with one mate. However, it is common for them to return to the same mate and nest. But the loyalty Klepetan has shown to Malena has been extraordinary.

Stjepan Vokić is the man that has cared for Malena and Klepetan since they met each other on the roof of Vokic's home. Vokic says Klepetan surprised everyone this year by returning for Malena a week earlier than usual.

For skeptics who would ask how Vokic knows the bird is Klepetan. Vokic explains that he leaves a bucket of fish in a certain spot for Klepetan each year. He says the bird looked for the bucket as soon as he returned for Malena.

Klepetan and Malena are the parents of over 40 baby storks. The couple is a favorite of the Croatian people. One creative person has even made an animated video to tell the story of the storks. One admirer of the couple says their story is like Romeo and Juliet with a much better ending.

An added treat for us all is a video of Klepetan exists that shows the love-struck stork returning to his mate.

What did you think about the incredible love story of Klepetan and Malena? Were you inspired by the dedication of the male stork? Send this article and video to your friends and family to brighten their days. Everyone enjoys a good love story.