Store Posts Sign On Door Offering A Free Meal And Drink After Catching Man Going Through Dumpster

Sep 25, 2019

Homelessness is a growing problem in many places around the world. This is especially true in areas with a temperate climate, where those who are homeless don't have to fight harsh winters.

It's easy for many people to dismiss the homeless population from the comfort of their heated homes and comfortable cars. But we should always keep in mind that a person who is homeless is just as human as you or me.

Thankfully, some of our fellow human beings take action to help those who are less fortunate.

Take Spanish priest Ángel García Rodríguez. This 80-yeard-old priest started a small cafe called Robin Hood in Madrid back in 2016, as reported by Fast Company. It offers a sustainable way to help the truly impoverished people of this city. The cafe is open to the public for breakfast and lunch. The food is sold at slightly above market rates.

When the cafe closes its door to the public, it opens it for the homeless. They get a three-course meal absolutely free. Rodriguez's goal is to treat them with "the same dignity as any other customer."

P.B. Jams took another approach back in 2015. As The Huffington Post reports, the owner, Ashley Jiron, saw someone going through the trash outside the building, looking for leftover food.

She decided to take action. She posted fliers on the building, offering a free meal for that person. She then started a campaign, asking customers for donations to cover the costs of giving sandwiches to the needy.

Ashley said, "I think we’ve all been in that position where we’ve needed somebody’s help. And we just needed somebody to extend that hand.”

And lastly, in 2017, Little Caesars employees in Fargo, North Dakota, noticed someone dumpster diving out behind their store one night, according to TODAY. When they tried to approach him, the guy fled. This pattern continued. The homeless man would go looking for food when he thought no one was watching. But he would run away when someone approached.

They decided to take another approach. They posted a note outside the shop, addressed to the homeless person. According to TODAY, it read:

"To the person going through our trash for their next meal, You're a human being and worth more than a meal from a dumpster. Please come in during operating hours for a couple of slices of hot pizza and a cup of water at no charge. No questions asked."

Being nice to a fellow human being takes little effort. It's a start to helping someone turn his life around.

Let us know your thoughts. Also, give others a chance to see these acts of kindness by passing the link along to your family and friends. It might inspire someone to help less fortunate human beings.