Squeaky Clean And Blemish Free Skin Thanks To A Toothbrush And Baking Powder

Jul 03, 2018

Nearly everybody has to deal with unclean skin at some point in their life. It not only looks bad but is also often very annoying. While some only have to deal with a bit of acne during their puberty, others keep suffering from bad skin even as an adult. A drugstore offers a lot of skin care products to get rid of zits and acne, but they are often pricey and not suitable for everyone.

In order to take the fight to your blackheads and zits you only need the following things:
- a new and clean toothbrush
- 1 tea spoon of toothpaste
. 1 tea spoon of baking poweder
- a bit of (tap) water


Cleaning The Skin

To start with you need to clean your face and dry off with a clean towel or cloth. Try to use something soft that doesn't irritate your skin. Make sure that your face has been thouroughly cleaned and no grease or dirt is left behind.


Now you need to mix the ingredients in a small bowl. You can use a fork to turn them into a fine paste. The type of bowl is unimportant, only make sure that the one you use is clean.


Now apply the paste to the affected area with your fingers. If you suffer from particularly bad acne you can spread it over your whole face. Just leave your mouth, nose and eye area free of it.


Now it's time for the tootbrush to get some action. It must be a clean one. Use it to massage the paste into your skin.

Washing Off

Once everything has been worked into your skin, you can let the paste set for a few minutes. Just rinse it off with water after it's finished.


Danach solltest Du Dein Gesicht noch mal mit warmen Wasser abspülen. Das Ergebnis lässt Dich staunen. Deine Haut wird in einem tollen Teint erstrahlen. Achte darauf, dass Du alle Reste der Paste gründlich entfernst.

Toothbrush and baking powder are a real insider tip if you want to get rid of blackheads and zits. Just try it yourself. Compared to other products, this method also saves you a lot of money. The paste is even much better for your skin than other products. These other products often irritate the skin a lot and can be quite aggressive.

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