Sons Buy Billboard For Dad's 62nd Birthday Celebration - Then Dad Receives Over 15,000 Messages

Mar 22, 2019

Mike Ferry and Chris Ferry Jr. decided they were going to show their dad just how much they loved him, by posting his phone number and a message on a billboard for the world to see.

The message on the billboard said to call and wish their dad a happy birthday. The billboard also included his phone number and a giant picture of his face. The sons were completely shocked with the outpour of support, as tens of thousands of people contacted their dad to wish him a happy birthday.

Chris Ferry told the media that he was not too happy with the calls at first, but can't believe how many people have contacted him. He said he has gotten over fifteen thousand calls and messages, which have come in from every corner of the world. He has gotten messages from such places as Kenya and the Philippines, which is tough to figure out how people in this area of the world were even aware of the billboard.

This just goes to show how influential social media can be, as many people started sharing the billboard on websites such as Facebook and Instagram. This led to an exponential increase in volume, with tens of thousands of additional people calling and leaving messages.

The two sons have been playing birthday jokes on their dad for years. They used to tell the waiter that it was their dad's birthday when they would go out to eat, even if it wasn't his birthday at the time. One of the reasons why this birthday idea was so important to Chris Ferry is that his father never gave up on him.

He told media outlets that he fell into addiction and that his father never judged him and always believed in him. He said he felt his pain and was right there alongside him as he battled and has seen him into recovery.

The two brothers decided that they would do something extra special for their dad, but had no idea that it would balloon into so much support. Their dad has said that the love and support that was shown was pretty mind-blowing. He is still very thankful for his sons, even if the calls have been pretty overwhelming.

If you have a loved one that you want to do something special for, maybe you should think about paying for your own message on a billboard. You never know what the response might be.

What do you think about this birthday present? How would you react if your kids did this for you? Let us know in the comments and pass this along to your friends and family to see what they think, too!