Someone Dumped This Taped Box Full Of Animals On Animal Shelter's Doorstep

Jun 22, 2019

Animal shelter and rescues all over the country often struggle hard to find loving homes for the animals that come in. Even though many people are still very open to adopting animals from shelters, there are often more animals in rescues than available people. While the shelters do their best to find them all homes, it often isn’t enough.

Sometimes, local shelters don’t have the resources to find homes quickly. They may bring dogs and cats to local pet stores to basically “display” them, or they may set up a Facebook page to show the local community the animals that they have. No matter what, it is a job that never ends. Why? Because more and more animals show up regularly.

Paws and Hooves Rescue Foundation workers talked openly about what happened recently and how devastating the incident could have been. They came into work to find a litter of puppies at their door. The puppies, sealed inside of a large plastic container, were jumping all over one another. While there were air holes in the sides of the container, it was still a terrible way to dump them off.

The ten puppies were soaking wet and barely had space to move in the box. Sadly, too many people think doing things like this are okay. While it is better for the puppies than just abandoning them on the road, there are still better ways to go about finding homes for them. The veterinary technician decided to write an open letter to anyone who thinks that dropping animals off in this state is okay.

She said that animals dropped off this way are often euthanized, as the shelters don’t always have the resources, money, or space to take care of them. While the shelters do not want to do it, she said that they are often left with little to no choice.

You can check out the pictures of the puppies below:

It is extremely important for pet owners to take full responsibility for their animals no matter what. That means getting their animals neutered and spayed to prevent more unwanted animals in the world. If you bring home an animal, you are then responsible for the well-being and care of it.

What did you think of this sad story? Leave us a comment below and then pass this along to others. You may just end up saving an animal's life!