Snow Leopard Freaks Out After Discovering New Camera In Enclosure

Oct 05, 2018

When you take an animal away from its natural habitat, it can sometimes become agitated. It can react in a way that is surprising to the people who provide care for the animal and to those who view the animal when they visit.

A snow leopard recently showed her surprise when she discovered there was a camera in her enclosure recording her every move.

Jessie is a lovable snow leopard that lives at Paradise Wildlife Park. Hundreds of people pass through the park in Hertfordshire each week, looking at Jessie and the other animals that are there. Viewers can also watch the snow leopard and the other animals online because there are a few cameras set up in the exhibits.

One day, Jessie noticed that a camera had been installed in her exhibit. She didn't know what to think about it at first and was shocked. She has been in the park since 2015 and has seemed to enjoy being on her own and out of the view of the public's eye.

While she was rolling around and playing, Jessie noticed the light on the camera for the first time. 

She jumped when she saw the light!

Then, she started rolling on her back and trying to paw at the light on the camera as though she knew someone was watching her.

Jessie acts like she's born to be on the camera. She enjoys being at the center of attention and has started moving around more in her exhibit. She also seems to be looking right at the camera more than she was before.

It could be because she knows that there is a light there and she's trying to play with it or that she thinks there's a new toy to enjoy.

What do you think of this hilarious video? Can you relate? Let us know in the comments and don't forget to show Jessie to your friends and family!