‘Sleepy’ Mom Makes Headlines After Her Husband Takes ‘Least Flattering’ Photo Of Her Breastfeeding Their Twins

Aug 12, 2022

Parenthood is full of fun, beautiful and wonderful moments. Watching your little ones grow up to become the best possible version of themselves is truly remarkable to experience. However, there is a lot that happens before kids reach this point, and raising children is certainly no easy task. At times, it can be outright messy, frustrating and incredibly challenging.

All parents know to expect some messes along the way, especially when dealing with babies. They spit up on everything, they need their diapers changed quite often and they need plenty of love, care and attention in their everyday lives. Taking all of that into consideration, it’s understandable that parents get worn out and need a break. Unfortunately, you can’t clock out from parenting, so moms and dads just have to adjust to their new life as around-the-clock caretakers.

Back in August 2019, mom Amy Griffith shared a photo of herself that her husband had taken. The photo showed her fast asleep while holding onto her adorable set of twins and breastfeeding them in the process. It was a photo that truly embodied how beautiful yet challenging motherhood is.

The picture instantly went viral as many people were shocked to see someone being so open and honest about the ugly side of motherhood. Most moms like to show that they have everything all together, but Griffith was willing to share some of the harder moments of parenting with others, even if it meant showing the world the “least flattering” or “aesthetically pleasing” image she could find, according to her Instagram post.

For Illustration Purposes Only (With Models) — istockphoto.com/Viktorcvetkovic

In August 2019, Griffith uploaded the “least flattering/aesthetically pleasing image” she could find of herself breastfeeding her twins. However, she was “proud” of the image as it reminded her how hard her body worked to birth two babies and care for them afterward. She explained how her breastfeeding journey lasted for just over two years. 

According to Love What Matters, Griffith worried about how her body would handle carrying twins and everything that came with motherhood. However, she took everything with great stride, exercising, taking naps and listening to what her body needed.

“Little did I know how different this birth would be,” Griffith said. “I had to use my voice to advocate for myself and my babies with confidence as I reminded the medical staff, ‘I trust my body. I trust my babies. We deserve the right to labor.’”

In her Instagram post, the mother wrote:

“I amazed myself. Each day/week/month/year that ticked away was mind boggling to me. We were figuring this thing out. Together. It was not easy and required so much sacrifice, but I was 1,000% committed to this part of my journey and thankfully we made progress together.”

While there were certainly plenty of amazing moments the mom had with her babies, her husband chose to snap a photograph of Griffith asleep while breastfeeding the twins. The photo went viral, and Griffith responded to all of the attention she received, as she said:

“This ‘sleepy’ post has received so much love and been shared worldwide! I’m beyond grateful 💞”

Since then, she has become an influencer in the health and wellness community, sharing her experience as a mom of twins while balancing her health-based career goals.


What do you think about this mom’s response to her unflattering photo? What was your parenthood experience like? Let us know, and feel free to send this to your loved ones.

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