Sleepy Cat Doesn't Want To Leave The Bed

Dec 04, 2018

You call your cat lazy. First of all, given the sophistication of the feline, cats deserve a better word to describe their level of inactivity. Perhaps languorous. What about slothful? Indolent or lethargic? No? Alright, we'll stay with lazy.

You think your cat is lazy because he is not eager to interact with you and does not bounce around to attract your attention. You consider your cat lazy because he does not race to the front door when you come home from work. Those activities are for dogs; your cat does not have time for these distractions, he has to get his 13 to 16 hours of sleep each day.

Your cat, by nature, needs all that sleep to conserve their energy for more meaningful endeavors like eating. All of your cat's energy is being saved for hunting at the crack of dawn and again after sunset. Your cat's body still thinks it is in the wild and doesn't recognize that there are cans of food in a nearby cupboard.

You may question what they do with all that stored energy. Just watch their speed when it comes to chasing a laser light or zipping from room to room after a hit of catnip. If you think you can change their nature and get more waking hours, don't bother. It's a hopeless endeavor. Whether it be a daily cat nap or a night rest, they will resist your efforts.

Cats do have two different types of sleep patterns. The daytime cat nap is not a deep sleep, and he will be wide awake in an instant. Just wave a piece of chicken under his nose while he is cat napping and watch him move.

The night rest is a deeper sleep not unlike what humans experience. Cats also experience the rapid eye movements during the night rest as do humans. The rapid eye movement in humans indicates dreaming. What could your cat be dreaming about?

Most people will describe cats as lazy. But is their sleep time being put to better use than we realize? No one knows what goes on while your cat is sleeping. We know he is saving his energy, but maybe this is when he does his most profound thinking. While sleeping, that lazy cat may be discovering the meaning of life.

This sleepy cat, Squirrel, is not ready to get up yet. Perhaps he was in the middle of solving a complex math problem in his sleep. Maybe he wants to be alone and is avoiding dealing with his human. He could be feigning sleep to entice you into a game of "attack the hand in the blanket."

Do you think cats sleep to conserve energy or are they just lazy? Do cats have profound thoughts while they sleep? Let us know what you think. And send this fun read to all your cat-loving friends!