Single Mom Won The Powerball And Shares Her Story On 'The Ellen Degeneres Show'

Nov 20, 2018

Lerynne West is a single mother who recently won $343,900,000 by playing the Powerball. Ellen recently talked to Lerynne to find out what she's doing with the money that she's won and to see how she can help her help others.

One of the things that Lerynne started right away after winning the money was a fund called The Callum Foundation. She started this as a way to honor her grandson who passed away at a young age. Instead of getting a new house, new cars, and splurging on things for herself, Lerynne has made it a point to help other people with the money that she won in the lottery. When she met with Ellen, Lerynne told her that she would be giving $500,000 to help with the Travis Mills Foundation. This foundation assists soldiers who have been wounded and their families.

Lerynne's story is special. She grew up not having a lot of money. She found out that she won the money after moving into her new home. Her sisters helped her unpack, and they decided to go get something to eat at a local gas station. Lerynne decided to buy a lottery ticket while she was at the gas station as well. She didn't pick her own numbers and knew that if she was meant to win, then it would be her time. The next day, she took her friend's dog outside and checked her ticket after her sister sent her a picture of the numbers. It was a true miracle!

Isn't this an amazing story? What would you do if you won such an amount of money? Would you donate? Pass this story on to your friends and loved ones to ask them the same question!