Single Father Adopted Little Girl With Down Syndrome Who Was Turned Down By Her Mom And 20 Adoptive Families

May 21, 2020

Alba, who was born with Down syndrome, was sadly rejected by both her mother and 20 other families. But in 2017, Luca Trapenese, from Naples, Italy, decided that he was destined to be the father that the girl needed.

Trapenese, now aged 41, took Alba on when she was just 13-days-old. The adoption attracted controversy since Trapenese is single and gay. 

Around the world, countless children are in foster care and orphanages, waiting to find their forever homes. Too often, children who are legally up for adoption will remain in care until they age out and are left to navigate the adult world without any family at their side.

Luca, who is gay, decided to share his adoption journey in a book that he has recently written, explaining the way that his story has shattered stereotypes and is changing the way that people look at families. He also spoke about how adopting children is usually very complicated for single parents and homosexual parents in Italy, reports the Daily Mail.

Luca was no stranger to special needs since he had experience working in care centers where he helped those struggling with issues just like Alba. Luca wasn’t worried about Alba’s diagnosis and was convinced that they would make the perfect family. Luca points out that having children has been one of his lifelong dreams, and we’re sure that Alba is happy that he decided to pursue that goal!

Look at the vast array of pictures that Luca shares on his social media accounts, it looks like he and little Alba share a close bond and have a lot of fun together! From eating out together to snuggling, the dad and daughter certainly do appreciate one another’s company, the Daily Mail continues, with Luca stating:

 "When I first held Alba, I knew I was ready to be her dad."

Do you have an adoption story that shows how families can be different and still help each other? Share your story below and then invite your friends to also read up about Luca and his adoption journey. Perhaps we can all consider opening our hearts to one of these precious little children who so desperately need a home!