She's Having Fun Waterskiing But When She Looks Into Water Her Heart Jumps

Sep 20, 2018

Wildlife is all around us, but we never think about it. One woman experienced a truly life-changing moment when a group of dolphins appeared in the water. As you can see in the video, this woman never expected such a surprising experience.

The woman in the video is in Mexico's Sea of Cortez. It was a beautiful, balmy day, so she decided to go wakeboarding. As she skimmed along the surface of the water, she noticed an unusual sight next to her.

Suddenly, a pod of dolphins appeared in the water.

It seemed like the dolphins wanted to play. The curious creatures saw the woman playing in the water and wanted to join in all of the fun. As the woman kept wakeboarding, the dolphins dared in and out of the waves next to her.

While the woman was amazed by the experience, marine scientists say that it is not that unusual. Dolphins are friendly, social creatures. When they see something unusual, they immediately become curious and want to investigate.

For years, there have been photos of dolphins investigating humans in the water. They are intelligent creatures who want to know everything and meet everyone. Unfortunately, the curious dolphins are at risk because of a natural predator.

Sharks can end up hurting and killing dolphins. In the Sea of Cortez, there are more than 100 species of sharks. Worse still, sharks are dangerous for humans as well. They can sometimes mistake swimmers for seals and try to bite them.

Luckily, this wakeboarder and her pod of dolphins did not encounter any sharks that day. A passenger on the boat managed to take an amazing video of the dolphin encounter to post online.

Now, the video is quickly starting to go viral.

Do you wish that you could swim with the dolphins? Let us know what you think of the video and make sure to show this amazing encounter to all of your friends.