Shelter Dog Wants Forever Home So Badly, She Starts Dancing Every Time She Sees Someone

May 07, 2019

There are millions of dogs throughout the world looking for their forever homes. In the United States alone, there are over a million rescue pets hoping to be adopted from the overcrowded shelters in which they stay. Although there are puppy mills that breed and sell dogs on a daily basis, there are many people that still prefer to get their dog from a rescue shelter. There are many advantages to adopting a dog rather than purchasing one from a puppy mill.

First and foremost, adopting a dog from a rescue shelter is completely free. Puppy mills can charge over $1,000 for some breeds. Not many dog owners are willing to spend so much money on a puppy when there are other rescue animals in need of a good home.

Another major advantage to choosing a shelter dog is the good feeling that is associated with this adoption.

There is something reassuring about saving a helpless animal from mean or careless owners. Although puppies from breeders deserve the same amount of love, rescue animals often come from harsher backgrounds and require more care as a result.

With millions of dogs eagerly awaiting adoption from rescue shelters, it's common for many dogs to get overlooked repeatedly. Some puppies happen to be cuter and friendlier than their older counterparts. In order to stand out from the crowd, some dogs resort to hilarious antics.

Some dogs will put on their cutest face when potential adopters arrive. Other puppies bark as loud as possible to gain the attention of human visitors.

Ginger Rogers found herself in a shelter with dozens of other dogs. Each week, this poor dog saw her friends get adopted by loving owners. Ginger was so determined to get adopted next that she devised the perfect way to stand out. Each time someone would walk by her cage, Ginger would stand on her hind legs and dance.

While this trick certainly caught the attention of most visitors, Ginger still had some trouble attracting an adopter. Eventually, her persistence paid off. Orange County Animal Service reported that Ginger has since been adopted. This dancing furball has finally found a permanent home. Now, Ginger can dance from pure happiness.

Watch the video of Ginger dancing:

Have you ever adopted an animal or do you know someone who could make a dog this happy by giving him a new home? Let us know! If you found this story uplifting, show it to a family member or friend who loves animals.