Shelter Cat Put In Solitary Confinement For 'Repeatedly' Helping Other Cats Escape

Nov 13, 2019

Poor Quilty the Cat. The feline recently found himself moved to less-appealing quarters at the local shelter. The poor cat now resides in solitary confinement. He violated the shelter's rules repeatedly, and the infractions weren't small ones. It turns out Quilty was releasing other cats from their confinements and doing so many times per day!

While the staff at Friends For Life Animal Rescue and Adoption Organization understand Quilty merely wanted to help his friends out, it is not up to him to free animals from their enclosures. Quilty picked up the habit at his previous home. Quilty lived in the same home with a dog and learned how to let his pal back in the house when the dog wanted to come inside. Quilty now applies those skills to open up the enclosures holding senior cats.

Animal lovers found out about Quilty's dilemma and launched an online "#FreeQuilty" petition. The staff at the shelter wasn't moved all that much about letting him free. So, Quilty took matters into his own hands. He freed himself from his captivity. He didn't try to escape the grounds, and the staff returned him to his "cell."

The staff understands Quilty is trying to be a good friend to his fellow cats. The staff, however, couldn't keep up with collecting all the loose cats running around in the morning. Frequently, Quilty would escape in the middle of the night and free his pals.

Even though he gained a lot of attention for his antics, Quilty has yet to find a forever home. Hopefully, the humorous media surrounding his stories could land him a new residence with a loving family.

Quilty's story could put a smile on your family's face, but it might give their cats some ideas. Tell them about his tale, anyway!