She Goes To Salon To Remove Damaged Tresses — Hairdresser Ends Up Chopping It Off Whole

Aug 05, 2020

Sometimes, the perfect hairstyle can make a difference in how we perceive ourselves. In 2017, Julie Ann had an unforgettable experience, and she decided to record and post about on her YouTube channel, CaptionDaFashion.

Julie came from a family where long, beautiful hair was the norm, but over the years, Julie had experienced a lot of damage to her hair from ironing, blow-drying, and coloring. She was tired of her hair looking lifeless and dry, and it had become stubborn to do anything with. She hadn't even had a proper haircut since she was 14, as she explains in her video.

After a lot of thought, Julie decided that it was time for her to make a drastic change and start fresh, and when I say drastic, I mean drastic.

Julie expressed that she loved her long hair, but she knew that it was time that she had it cut. She turned to the camera and allowed her hair to fall.

When her hair was down, it was below her waist, and she even showed how damaged her hair had actually become.

Julie didn't make this decision lightly, and she researched the right hairstyle for over four months, as well as the right stylist. After four months, she finally made a decision and headed off to the salon.

Once there, she expressed to her hairdresser that she wanted a pixie cut! She had never cut her hair short, at all, and she had never had anything close to this type of hairstyle.

What do you think of Julie's transformation? Let us know and pass this makeover video on to friends and family members who could use a little beauty inspiration!