She Bought Groceries For A Stranger--Then The Phone Rang With Life-Changing News

Jul 23, 2018

Sometimes, a small act of kindness may seem very small indeed, but in fact, you never know what might happen as a result of that kindness. One woman learned that when a small act of kindness on her part sparked a huge one from the man she helped.

Tracy Warshal was standing in line for groceries when she realized a man had forgotten his wallet. She jumped in to pay on his behalf. According to Tracy, it was just $8 for some fruit the man was buying, and she did so knowing that she would want someone to do the same for the people she cared about.

Little did Tracy imagine what was going to happen next, but when it did, she was so surprised she posted it on Facebook. Tracy's post went viral.

The man wanted to repay Tracy in some way for her kindness. He had noticed that she was wearing a T-shirt that said "Piedmont Healthcare." He did some detective work to find out that Tracy was someone who had dedicated her life to helping others. Her job was at the Piedmont Cancer Institute.

The next thing Tracy knew, the fundraising arm of the Cancer Institute had contacted her to thank her. The man had donated $10,000 in her name. Tracy was amazed that her small gesture had led to such a generous act, and she said she hoped others would be inspired to be kind as well.

This simple act of kindness spurred a big gift. What small acts of kindness have you performed for people?