Self-Care Tips For The Holiday Season If You're Feeling Blue

Dec 17, 2018

Time waits for no one, and that means Christmas is coming whether we're ready or not. While many people are caught up in the warm, fuzzy feels of the season, there are plenty of us who wish we could just crawl under the blankets and hide out until new years. If you're facing a busy holiday season, here are 37 self-care tips to help you get through the season without absolutely losing it.

1. Define the Holidays How You Want: Approach Christmas and New Year's in your own terms. You may want to celebrate them but don't have any family or friends to partake in festivities with. Guess what? You can still get a tree, bake cookies and watch "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" in some cozy new pajamas. 

2. Make a Plan: Be as elaborate or simple as you want. Sleep in till noon and make an epic Christmas lunch, or plan a fancy holiday getaway and treat yourself to all the room service, Netflix and books you want.

3. Set Boundaries: Decide how much you want to share with others about your holiday plans and feelings toward the season. Don't let anyone pressure you into revealing personal details you aren't comfortable sharing. You can reveal as much or as little as you wish.​​​​​​​

4. Plan Your Responses:​​​​​​​ In order to avoid any awkward exchanges, practice some answers to, "So, what are your plans for the holidays?" You can be simple and just say, "Oh, nothing special," or you can go a bit more into detail and talk about your plans for self-care and unadulterated me-time.​​​​​​​

5. Embrace Loved Ones Who Are No Longer There: If you're missing someone who has passed away, don't stray from them during the holidays. They might not be here on Earth anymore, but you can still do something to honor them and feel closer during this season. Watch their favorite movie, cook their favorite meal or write them a letter. Don't hide from their memory; allow yourself to remember the good times.

6. Turn Down New Year's Invitations if You Want: You don't have to go bar-hopping, clubbing or anywhere else you don't want to. Go to bed at 9 p.m. if that's what makes you happy. Start the new year off right by ending this one the way you want.

7. Don't Force Yourself to Stay In: If you really don't mind going out but just don't feel like you're in "party mode," that's okay! Suggest going somewhere more chill, like a jazz lounge or nice restaurant. If you want to go to a party, that's fine, too. Maybe you just want to sit on the sidelines and listen to some music. You're allowed to just be there without being anything at all.

8. Take the Backseat With Family: Show up, say hello and keep your distance. You can still spend time with your family at an emotional distance.​​​​​​​

9. Ask for Help: Don't be afraid to say, "I need space," or "I'm lonely."

10. Create a Self-Love Kit to Grab in a Pinch: Bath bombs, chocolate, crystals and/or anything else that makes you happy.

11. Don't Drink to Feel Better: Alcohol doesn't make us feel less lonely or depressed. Booze won't erase your anxiety. There are healthier ways to deal with your feelings.

12. Take Care of Yourself: Even if you'll be home alone for the holidays, make sure you tidy up, take a shower (or at least change your underwear every day), brush your teeth and wear some cozy pajamas. Feeling fresh will do wonders for your mental health.

13. Get Outside: Enjoy some fresh air, even if it's just for five minutes. Play in the snow. Go for a ride and look at Christmas lights. Just don't stay holed up inside for days at a time.

14. Get a New Candle or Hang Up Some Lights: The warm glow of some fairy lights or a candle can make your space feel much more comforting.

15. Plan at Least 15 Minutes of Meditation Every Day: It may be just before you go to sleep, but meditation will help you disconnect from all the stress or other feelings you're experiencing and just enjoy some peace and quiet.

16. Remove Anything That Hurts From Your Life: Delete those old photos on your camera roll, throw out the things you have hidden in the closet and prepare to start the new year on a brighter note.​​​​​​​

17. Give Your Pet the Best Holiday Ever: It will be super cute and they'll be hella excited no matter what you give them.

18. Come Up with a Ritual: Whether it's holiday-oriented or just self-care, make an effort to stick to a routine.

19. Take a Hot Bubble Bath: Go all out. Candles, essential oils, bath bombs. You deserve it.

20. Escape in Video Games or Books: It's okay to embrace a fictional world for a while.

21. Create a List of Things You're Grateful For: Sometimes, we need to remind ourselves about every ounce of good in our lives to help combat the bad.

22. Make Peace With 2018: Write a list of all the things that hurt you and brought you down this year. Now, tear it up and throw it away. You are free, and a new year is waiting to embrace you.

23. Don't Worry About Skipping Out on Tradition: If you don't want to send out holiday cards or buy a ton of gifts this year, you don't have to. You can express your gratitude to loved ones in other ways.

24. Get Help if You Need It: Talk to a friend, see a therapist or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Life is hard. Just remember: You're never alone.​​​​​​​

Let us know if you have any additional holiday survival tips that might be helpful to others! Be sure to pass this on to your friends and loved ones - You never know who you might help.