Secrets And Lies WIll Kill Your Relationship - No Matter How Careful You Are, You WILL Eventually Get Caught

Sep 21, 2018

Trust is the bedrock of any solid relationship. If trust is broken, it's extremely difficult to restore. Two of the biggest trust-breaker when it comes to relationships are secrets and lies.

Often these two trust-breakers go hand-in-hand. If you have a secret you want to keep from your significant other because you know it will hurt or anger them, it may seem natural to make up lies to cover up that secret.

The results of engaging in such trust-eroding behavior over a long period of time can be absolutely devastating to a relationship.

Some of the common lies partners tend to tell one another are as follows:

1. When asked if they've been engaging in a certain behavior they know will be displeasing to their partner, it's common to deny and try to hide the behavior.

This could be anything from eating foods you aren't supposed to eat when you're on a health-restricted diet, to watching porn, to cheating on your spouse.

In some instances, people lie because they feel like what they're doing really isn't that bad and they think their partner is being too controlling.

In other instances, people lie because they know their behavior really does cross the line and they don't want to face the consequences of seriously angering their partner.

If you've been lying to your partner in order to cover up a secret behavior, stop. If you feel like they're too controlling and there's nothing wrong with what you're doing, have a heart-to-heart conversation and tell them so.

If you know what you've been doing is dead wrong, stop the behavior and have the decency to tell your partner the truth. Be prepared for them to have a negative reaction.

2. When asked if they're feeling okay emotionally, a partner will tell their significant other that everything's fine when it's really not.

This type of lie is a big source of problems in relationships. It can be absolutely devastating for a person to suddenly face the breakup of their relationship when they sincerely thought everything was going great.

This happens more than people want to admit. Emotionally sensitive people may think that their partner should automatically pick up on non-verbal cues and understand that there are problems in the relationship.

They can get annoyed to the point of being livid when their significant other doesn't know how to read between the lines.

But the fact of the matter is not everyone is gifted with this kind of keen emotional sensitivity. When you lie to your partner and tell them you're just fine when you're really not, you're being unfair to them.

You're not letting them know what they could change to help heal the relationship.

So next time you're love asks you how you're feeling, be honest and let them know if you're really not doing okay or if there are problems in the relationship that need to be addressed.

3. Partners lie about who they genuinely are as people.

If your relationship is ever going to be real, you and your significant other both need to be completely honest about who you really are, including your likes, dislikes, and overall characteristics.

Sometimes couples lie to each other before they even get into a serious relationship.

One of the two may pretend to be enthusiastic about certain hobbies or interests because they know that that's what the other person happens to be into in order to make the other person more interested in getting to know them.

People can even take facade so far as to lie about past educational or military credentials to seek to impress those they're hoping to date.

Or they may lie about past relationships, character qualities that they pretend to possess but really don't, and the list goes on and on. Couples sometimes even try to keep these kinds of lies up well into a relationship.

If you've lied to your significant other about your genuine identity, achievements, or character, it's time to tell them the truth. If you don't chances are that they'll eventually find out anyway.

No one can keep a mask on forever. You should want someone to love you for who you really are, not for who you're pretending to be.

Being honest is the only way to build a truly meaningful relationship that's built on trust. You owe it both to the one you claim to love and to yourself to lay that foundation of trust and to repair it if you've breached it through dishonesty. Come clean to your partner about your lies and secrets today and find the freedom from guilt and genuine intimacy that only comes in a relationship that's built on the truth.