Science Proves Being 'Hangry' Is A Real Thing, So Your Hungry Rage Is Justified

Jun 27, 2019

If you're a foodie, chances are that you've experienced the blinding rage of "hanger." The longer your stomach goes without sustenance, the more irritable you become. Some people may even poke fun at your pouty attitude when you're hankering for something to eat, but scientists claim that not only is hanger a real feeling, but the anger it induces is 100-percent valid.

According to a study on hunger-sensitive neural pathways by Zane Andrews, a psychologist at Monash University in Australia, the brain is filled with neurons that trigger hunger and tell our body it's time to get some grub. When these "food neurons" aren't immediately responded to, they continue to fire. The same parts of the brain that control these food neurons are also linked to anger and mood.

Long story short, when you don't get food when you're hungry, your neurons get fussy and throw a temper tantrum. Scientists say that you may become grumpier, irritated and even downright enraged when you have to go without eating. Can you say relatable?

How to Curb Your Hanger

The best thing you can do to prevent hunger-induced mood swings is to maintain a regular eating schedule. No skipping breakfast, postponing lunch or pushing dinner back a few hours because you want to work late.

Some people get so caught up in their lives that they think eating can wait, but a crucial aspect of a healthy diet is a normal eating schedule. You can also keep a healthy snack on hand to tide you over when mealtimes are delayed. Try a banana, which is loaded with protein that will give you energy, or some granola.

You are more likely to crave high-sugar, processed foods when you're hungry and stressed. As tempting as the vending machine may be, ignore it and reach for something good for you instead. An epic sugar high from a snack binge will only cause you to crash and burn, leaving you hangrier and crankier than you were to begin with. What your body really needs to satiate its hunger is something loaded with vitamins, not Pringles or a Snickers bar.

Pay attention to your body, and feed it when its hungry. You may be able to eat three solid meals a day, or you could be the type that does better with six smaller meals instead. Everyone is different, and your personal nutrition plan should fit your body's needs and your lifestyle.

How do you curb hanger cravings? Tell us your tips in the comments!