School Closet Begun By Eight-Grade Student To Give Clothes And Supplies To Classmates In Need

Jan 24, 2020

When you have enough of the things that you need in life, you can be generous with those in need. If you have many clothes and decide to give some of your clothes to someone without any, it'll brighten their day and make their life easier. Chase Neyland-Square took the time to do just that and filled a closet with clothes and school supplies.

Chase Neyland-Square is only 13 years old, but he put this closet together so that his fellow students would have the things that they need for the school day. Chase is in the eighth grade in Port Allen, Louisiana, and his generosity is making it so that fellow students don't have to do without the things that all children need.

Chase opened his closet at Port Allen Middle School, and he named the closet "PAM's Pantry." The closet has clothes that people donated to Chase, and any student is welcome to come and pick out something to wear.

A reporter asked Chase about privilege, and he explained that every kid at school isn't wealthy. When he tried to imagine how it must feel to be one of the underprivileged, he thought that it didn't feel very good. During one of these moments, he believed that he could ease some of the difficulty by opening PAM's Pantry, WAFB9 reports.

Chase realized that there is a need within the wider community, so he extended his services to include people outside of the school. He also welcomes families, and one family took him up on his offer. They had just experienced a fire and lost all of their belongings, WAFB9 says, but they had a set of new clothes after they were finished at PAM's Pantry. They were extremely grateful.

PAM's Pantry has more than just clothes. Also important are the personal hygiene products and school supplies that are needed in the community. People can pick out shoes and other items as well. 

Chase's school has the "Student Program for Arts, Recreation, and Knowledge" or SPARK, and it challenges kids to come up with ideas for how they can help their school. It was started by the school's principle because she wanted to teach her kids to be leaders, and PAM's Pantry was one of the best ideas, WAFB9 concludes.

Chase is never going to leave PAM's Pantry behind because when he grows up, he hopes to come back and turn PAM's Pantry into a not-for-profit organization. This is truly a heartwarming story, and if you think so too, leave a comment below. Tell your friends if you think that they would enjoy reading this story so that they can start giving too.