Say Goodbye To Your Anxiety With These 9 Simple, Practical, And Highly Effective Tips

Jun 12, 2018

Anxiety is a very common feeling that everyone experiences occasionally. For instance, taking a big exam tends to make most people anxious. For some people, though, anxiety isn't an occasional nuisance - it's a constant companion. If you have chronic anxiety, you know how much it can diminish your quality of life. Anxiety is exhausting, and it can make you hold yourself back from trying new things. But anxiety doesn't have to control you. Here are some ways you can beat anxiety and regain your confidence. 

Try Meditation and Yoga 

Meditation and yoga both help you control your body's stress response, which can help you deal with the fight-or-flight feelings that anxiety produces. You can do both of these activities at home.

Get Enough Sleep 

Have you ever noticed that you feel more anxious when you didn't sleep well the night before? Not getting enough shut-eye can wreak havoc on your mental health. To reduce your anxiety, aim to get between seven and nine hours of sleep every night. 

Eat Well 

Your diet plays a big role in your mental health, so choose your meals and snacks carefully. Aim to eat mostly whole, plant-based foods, and steer clear of processed foods. 

Quit Eating Sugar

Sugar is bad for you, plain and simple. It can also aggravate anxiety. If you've been struggling with your mental health lately, it's best to avoid sugary foods and refined carbs. 

Get Some Sunshine

Getting some sunshine and fresh air can help you kick your anxiety to the curb. Your brain produces more serotonin - a calming hormone - when you're outside. Getting enough sun can also boost your vitamin D levels, which is important for good mental health. 

Write in a Journal 

Writing in a journal can help you process events after the fact and manage your anxiety. Make sure that you write by hand - typing on a keyboard doesn't have the same relaxing effect. 

Declutter Your House

It's hard to feel calm and collected when you're surrounded by piles of stuff. Clutter is stressful, so clean it up. 

Exercise Every Day

Exercise is a natural mood-booster. In fact, many people find that their anxiety clears up completely when they work out on a daily basis. Aim to get 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise every day. 

Talk to a Therapist

Talking to a mental health professional can do you a world of good. If you're struggling with your anxiety, don't hesitate to reach out - you'll feel much better once you do. 

The Takeaway

Anxiety might not be fun to live with, but it is manageable. Which of these tips are you going to try first? 

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!