Rescuers Find Dog With Shoelace Tied Around Neck Looks Unrecognizable After Recovery

Apr 05, 2019

There's a popular saying that is very true: there's no such thing as a bad dog...only a bad owner.

Even many abused and neglected pups remain loyal and sweet to their undeserving families.

Gus is living proof. He had a horrible life with owners who abused him. Now, Gus has a bright, happy future to look forward to -- a future that includes a new, loving home.

He's like a completely different dog now. His new owners make it a point to keep him active and give him as much attention as he needs. He's friendly, energetic, and completely spoiled. He loves meeting new people and other dogs.

Contrast that with the dog he used to be. When rescued, Gus had shoelaces wound around his neck. They were so tight that they caused his head to swell to grotesque proportions. On top of his injuries -- he had many -- he was underweight and desperately needed better nutrition.

Despite his condition, rescuers had a hard time finding him until a woman named Laura Jean began capturing images of him to post to Facebook. When Houston K-911 Rescue saw the pictures, they knew they had to act fast. The pup's life was on the line.

When they found Gus, it was as if he knew they had his best interests at heart. He went right with them to an animal hospital, where he had emergency surgery.

Marina Harrison is a vet tech at that animal hospital. His plight touched her heart, and she agreed to foster him until he recovered. According to her, Gus quickly developed a big, happy personality.

Now, Gus has found his forever home with a family who adores him. The swelling in his head has gone down, and now he can indulge in some of his favorite things -- like waking everyone up at the crack of dawn and demanding the attention and love he deserves.

Do you know someone who would be inspired by reading about Gus and his recovery? If so, let them know about thim!