Rescued Puppies Walk On Grass For First Time

Sep 26, 2020

Rescuing a dog or puppy is often one of the most rewarding activities that a person can do. However, whenever you bring a rescued animal into your home, you should always be prepared for a surprise or two. This is largely because many dogs lack experiences that we might consider basic.

For a shelter dog, it may have never been held before or never given a toy. Thus, they can often be slow to accept these new joys into their life. This video is a fantastic example of this. In this video, we get to see the joy and trepidation of five tiny puppies experiencing grass under their little paws for the first time.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

Of course, when you think about the scale, their uneasy reaction makes a lot of sense. These adorable puppies are believed to be some form of Maltese mix. Their small size means that many of the blades of grass come up halfway on their bodies. Every step has to be taken cautiously when tackling such a "large" obstacle.

All five of the puppies in the video are boys, which is somewhat of a rarity for a litter. Their existence was not a given, sadly. All five were rescues taken in by 2nd Chances Rescue, a rescue organization based in Norco, California. When their mother was heavily pregnant with her puppies, she was located in an over-crowded shelter with a dwindling budget. Their future was uncertain, to say the least.

Luckily, a mutual contact put the shelter in touch with 2nd Chances Rescue, reports Rumble. Like many rescue organizations, 2nd Chances uses a network of volunteer fosterers to bring in dogs in need. This allows them to provide care to more dogs, and to give animals the one on one care that they need to develop properly and feel loved.

Within just a few short days of the mother arriving at the rescue foundation, she was placed in the care of an experienced foster parent. This allowed her to have a safe and relaxing environment for the final stages of her pregnancy. In just a couple of weeks, she gave birth to the five puppies you see conquering the great outdoors. All five were perfectly healthy, and the proud mom could not be more pleased.

Thankfully, none of these pups are searching for a home any longer. Since the filming of this video, all five have been adopted into loving homes. Two of them even got to stay together as brothers. However, even though these particular pups were placed in forever homes, there are always more dogs that are in need of a loving home.

Whether you decide to go through 2nd Chances Rescue, Ring Dog Rescue, or any other qualified and experienced rescue organization, adopting a rescue animal is one of the greatest gifts you can give to an animal. Countless animals need homes, and they are all incredibly appreciative of being given a chance.

Even if you aren't ready for a dog or cat of your own, consider donating to a rescue organization or shelter that gives animals another chance. Whether you get a puppy or an older dog, you will get to see the joy and curiosity of an animal exploring its environment with freedom and love for the first time. Even better, you get to share in that animal's experiences and make adorable videos of your own!

Adorable animal videos are some of the best parts of the internet, whether it be five tiny Maltese puppies experiencing grass for the first time like this video, or any other. What's your favorite video of a pup exploring its territory? Let us know in the comments and pass this sweet video along to your friends and family!

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