Rescue Piglet And Kitten Buddies Are Inseparable

Sep 25, 2019

There is an interspecies equality sanctuary located in Santiago, Chile known as the Santuario Igualdad Interespecie.

This facility is a place for various types of farm animals to live happily when there are no other places for them to go. It was here that Marina the kitten and Laura the piglet first met. It was love and friendship at first sight for the pair!

According to the Dodo, Marina was born sick, weak, and with pus-filled eyes. Unfortunately, many outdoor and wild animals abandon their young when they are sick, which is exactly what happened to this poor kitten. In the wild it is often “survival of the fittest,” and Marina was obviously not going to survive without outside help.

Luckily, a kind person found her and drove to the sanctuary to drop her off. That move saved her life for sure! However, it also helped another animal who was scared and alone at around the same time.

Laura is a piglet that was born to a breeder pig. She was born to simply grow up and be slaughtered for her meat. Activists were able to rescue her from the local meat industry. They brought her to the sanctuary to get the care and love she deserved. She was scared and trembling when she was first brought in.

The two animals were rescued within just a few days of one another. When the two met, Marina was able to help Laura relax and stay calm. They quickly built an adorable friendship that has the world looking on in awe.

The pair have become practically inseparable since they were brought into the sanctuary. They cuddle up with one another, sleep together, and give each other kisses and hugs. If one of them is asleep, the other stays awake and waits for them to wake up so that they can play together.

The two animals have found comfort in one another for sure. They share an amazing bond that you don’t always see when it comes to different species. Even though they are very different from one another, the pair knows true love when they see it.

Check out the sweet video of the darling duo by clicking below:

We hope that these two animals grow up healthy, happy, and together! Have you ever seen two animals get along so well even when they aren’t the same species? Drop us a line below and then pass this on!