Replace One Hour At The Gym With This 4 Minute Workout

Oct 31, 2018

A lot of people find it cumbersome to regularly go to the gym. Of the many reasons that people have, below are some of the most common ones:

 Most people who just read that statement are shocked by it. Well, let us look at some evidence.

To add to the reasons stated above, there are many claims that attending the gym does not necessarily help you to lose weight.

Most people who just read that statement are shocked by it. Well, let us look at some evidence:

Now, exercise might not help you to lose weight, but if you do not overdo it, it can improve your health.

The irony of it all is that when people go to the gym, they get on a bike or a treadmill, break a sweat after clocking a few kilometers and they think they have done a lot.

The reality is that you need to combine strength training exercises like the 5x5 method with other exercises to reap the most out of a gym session.

This regimen will help you to build muscle, kip fit, and lose fat. You will also work your cardio, however, we cannot stress how important it is to ensure that you are eating a healthy diet to supplement the workout program in order for it to make a difference.

To get a good cardio or strength training workout, you don’t have to go to the gym; you can do it in the comfort of your home in a span of 4 minutes a day. Let us look at four exercises that will help you start your 4-minute home workouts:

1. Push-ups

The best workouts for your chest are pushups. They work well to define your shoulders, triceps, torso, and abs.

Pushups can also work to improve your muscular endurance in the body, create lean muscle mass, strengthen the bones and muscle, and can generally aid in keeping you fit, strong, and healthy.

2. Squats

To have the best shot at improving your overall fitness and boost your overall body health, squatting exercises can help you to experience some serious results. As much as most people at the gym do not like it, squats need to be an exercise that virtually everyone should do. It is simple to do, you do not need any equipment, and you can do it from any place.

Squats are generally regarded as leg exercises, however, their benefits go beyond that by exercising the entire body, including the core.

3. The Mountain climber

If you want an engaging and challenging exercise, you need to do mountain climbers.

This exercise will challenge your coordination, balance, proprioception, and balance.

Mountain climbers help the body by increasing strength, and improving blood circulation; additionally, it works to improve your cardiovascular and muscular fitness.

For you to properly do this exercise, you need to engage your upper arm muscles as well as your legs and core. To get the best out of this workout, you have to ensure that you have proper alignment.

4. Lunges

If you want to increase the muscle tissue of your lower body, make your hips more flexible, and develop your core strength, lunges will help you achieve these goals. You can modify this exercise according to your fitness level & endurance.

Beginners will always have it easy, and pro-trainers will always work to increase resistance. For both cases, when you have your rear foot properly elevated, you will benefit from this exercise in more ways than you think.

5. Jumping Jacks

Jumping Jacks are already a popular exercise for quite a while now. In fact, they are considered such a good exercise that the USA military has been using them in their training ritual since the 1920s as it improves both aerobic and physical endurance.

To do the exercise, you start off by holding your arms straight along your body. As you jump, you have to spread your legs to both sides whilst raising your arms up above your head at the same time, and then repeat for as long as you deem necessary. 

This exercises will help you work your entire body within 4 minutes while you are at home. Have you tried them out? Let us know in the comments!

Make sure you spread the word on this awesome workout with all your gym buddies.

Our content is created to the best of our knowledge, yet it is of general nature and cannot in any way substitute an individual consultation with your doctor. Your health is important to us!