Renowned Chef Is Giving Free Cooking Classes Online For Those Stuck At Home

Mar 18, 2020

There are many people around the world right now who are stuck indoors. Whether working or looking after the family, more and more people are self-isolating to prevent the spread of COVID-19. In light of this, Italian Chef Massimo Bottura decided it would be a good idea to give cooking classes via Instagram for anyone who wants to tune in for some culinary tips while staying inside.

The 57-year-old Italian chef is known for his world-famous restaurant Osteria Francescana in Modena, Italy. The restaurant has been voted one of the best in the world numerous times.

In his live streams on Instagram he has managed to give people great tips on how to make dishes such as a Thai curry with lots of healthy vegetables, salad, and tortellini in cheesy sauce. These are all based on the preparation of his own evening meals.

The show is called “Kitchen Quarantine,” and according to Lifehacker it is being broadcast in English so that it can reach a wide audience. In a time where many restaurants around the world are closing in order to prevent the coronavirus from spreading, people are doing what they can to make sure everyone keeps healthy physically and psychologically, and cooking is a great way to do that.

The lucky viewers also have the chance to ask Massimo questions in a Q&A session at the end of the stream. It is a wonderfully generous thing to do, which demonstrates how many people are stepping up to show the world we are in this together. And in Massimo's own words in one of his recent videos he said, "It's just a way to share with people from all over the world… we just want to be part of the world."

If you know anyone who would like to have the amazing opportunity to learn how to cook with one of the best chefs in the business, share this story with them.