Rare White Peacock Looks Normal But Not After It Turns Around

Sep 19, 2020

When it comes to peacocks, a myriad of colors usually comes to mind. Vivid blue, black, and white accompanied with jade green and gold with a magnificent fan for a tail might describe your typical peacock. That's why viewers get a shock when viewing this peafowl caught on video in 2012 due to his lack of color — but that doesn't mean he isn't gorgeous.

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

It is awe-inspiring to see a white peacock at any time, but this bird is a true head-turner. Instead of the pink eyes expected, he peers at you with the dark glistening eyes you would find in any normal peacock.

This is due to the fact that this peacock is not an albino bird, but is a leucistic fowl.

Leucism is resultant of a partial loss of pigmentation hence the white coloration that does not extend to the eyes while albinism is the absence of melanin, which causes the color in the skin, hair, and eyes.


While this majestic bird is an anomaly of nature, he is stunning, and as he spreads his tail feathers, he seems to know he’s putting on a show.

People are often shocked to hear that it is the male peacock that is blessed with the gorgeous tail display, not the female known as a peahen.

While the males are vibrantly colorful with huge tail feathers, the females are a muted drab color and sport a much shorter tail. The peacocks will use their multicolored tails to attract mates while the females simply need to watch their potential suitors put on a show.

Watch this beautiful white peacock in the video below:

Had you ever seen a leucistic peacock before? Share your thoughts in the comments below. If you think this unique bird would make a friend smile, pass this video on to them!

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