Queen Elizabeth Is 'Living Life To The Full' Because It's 'What Philip Wanted'

Jul 05, 2021

Queen Elizabeth has been busy with many royal engagements lately. She recently returned from her official royal tour of Scotland. Royals have been doing official tours for over a century. In fact, one of the first photographs of a royal tour dates back to 1900, when Queen Victoria visited Dublin, Ireland. The tradition has been followed for generations, and as the royal family modernizes, royal tours serve as a way for the monarchy to present themselves to the rest of the world. Now that the queen's beloved husband, Prince Philip, has passed away, she will no longer be accompanied by him on royal tours.

However, the queen has not traveled alone. For her royal tour of Scotland this week, the queen was joined by her daughter, Princess Anne, and also spent time accompanied by her grandson, the Duke of Cambridge, Prince William. A four-day visit marked Royal Week, and the queen engaged in various activities celebrating Scottish history, community, and innovation.

Despite the hard loss of her beloved husband, the 95-year-old queen is jetting from public engagement to royal tours to other social outings and seems to be in good spirits while doing so. She even hosted Germany's Angela Merkel at Windsor on Friday, July 2, 2021. She also attended the Royal Windsor Horse Show in Berkshire, a well-beloved staple on her yearly calendar that ran this year from July 1 until July 4. 

In an exclusive interview with FEMAIL, royal author Phil Dampier said the queen was devastated by the death of Prince Philip but has chosen to continue public engagements because she knows that Prince Philip would have wanted her to live life to the fullest. Read on to learn more about the queen's recent engagements as well as what Dampier had to say about her chipper mood. 

Queen Elizabeth II (2019), (Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images)

Queen Elizabeth, 95, seemed to be in great spirits as she attended the opening day of the Royal Windsor Horse Show in Berkshire after a busy morning full of engagements in Scotland and her journey home.

The queen has been living at Windsor Castle since the onset of the pandemic. She looked elegant in a radiant teal dress and carrying one of her many trusty classic handbags for the occasion. 

She was joined at the annual event by a close confidant and friend of her late husband, Prince Philip: Lady Penelope Knatchbull, the Countess of Mountbatten of Burma, aged 68. The countess, known locally as Lady Romsey, is a long-standing close friend of the royal family after Prince Philip taught her to drive a horse carriage. For years, Queen Elizabeth has invited Lady Romsey to the annual Royal Windsor Horse Show, and she was also included as one of the 30 guests to Prince Philip's wedding, beating out several members of the royal family.

Also in attendance was the queen's daughter-in-law, Sophie Wessex, who wore a floor-length mint green pleated skirt paired with a navy blazer. She was among the guests pictured at the prestigious show, which has long been a favorite event of the queen and has never been missed by her. 

The queen herself could be seen beaming with joy as she watched the horse show, soaking up the atmosphere of one of her favorite equestrian events of the year from the private grounds of her Windsor home. The queen is known as a passionate equestrian and lover of horses.


Prince Philip, Queen Elizabeth II (2017), (Tim Graham/Getty Images)

According to FR24 News, royal author Phil Dampier told FEMAIL that the queen was in good spirits because that's what Prince Philip would have wanted. He said

"Some might think it is strange that she is so happy so soon after Prince Philip's death, but I think there is a simple explanation. I'm sure she was devastated by his passing — after all they were married for 73 years. But I'm sure that he told her to enjoy what was left of her own life. He would not want her to sit around mourning him like Queen Victoria did for Albert, and I bet he would want her to carry on living life to the full."

Dampier went on to explain how the circumstances of lockdown actually brought the queen and Philip closer together before his passing. Dampier said:

"Ironically, they spent a lot more time together at the end because of lockdown. His death wasn't unexpected, and he had a long and fulfilled life. Like him, the queen is very practical and pragmatic, and she knows he would support her getting out and about."

Like most royal fans, Dampier is pleased to see the queen looking so happy and radiant. He said:

"It's been fantastic to see the queen is such good form in recent weeks. She seems happy and relaxed and it's a joy to see her smiling face. I think she is just delighted to be out of lockdown like the rest of us, and getting out and about doing the things she loves."

Dampier emphasized how the Windsor Horse Show is really one of the highlights of the year for the queen:

"She has her social life and you could see how happy she was to be at the Windsor Horse Show, one of her favorite events of the year, four days running. She meets up with old friends and loves to catch up on gossip, as well as spend time with her own family."

Queen Elizabeth II (2021), (Max Mumby/Indigo/Getty Images)

Isn't it nice to see the queen happy despite her loss? Let us know your thoughts, and be sure to pass this on to other royal fans you know!

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