Puzzling Long-Haired Creature Gliding Smoothly Underwater

Aug 29, 2020

Our world is full of strange creatures that have no explanation. We hear stories of Bigfoot roaming the woods of the Pacific Northwest. The Loch Ness Monster gets sighted by many Scottish people over the year. Don't even get us started by the Chupacabra. Yes, our world is certainly fascinated with creatures that we can't explain.

In a recent ad campaign by payments provider, Klarna, another furry monster made its way onto the scene. This caused a lot of stir about what it was supposed to be. Was it an unidentified water creature, an act of CGI, or something different altogether?

Be sure to reach the end of this article to see the full video :-) 

Klarna wanted to find an ad campaign that would define how easy it was for customers and businesses to make and receive payments by using their platform. After all, if the point of your company is to provide convenient and simple payment transactions, it only makes sense to advertise your product in that way. It can be a challenge to make the ease of a payment an enticing visual. Also, the hope behind this campaign would be that it would be memorable enough to build customer loyalty and attract new ones.

The ad campaign was launched in three different sections. The first featured a fish taking a ride down a slide and going across the floor. In the second section, viewers were treated to a brick of delicious-looking swiss cheese being sliced repeatedly in a hypnotic fashion. The third section of the ad campaign is where we were introduced to our newest monster celebrity.


What is that?

The ad begins with a serene and tranquil underwater shot. The setting appears to be a pool because there are steps in the background. In the background, some gentle, electronic music sets the mood. Everything does feel smooth, as the ad intends. Once you are settled in with the peaceful music and melodic tunes, a furry creature comes into the frame.

At first, it appears to be a jellyfish, but then you realize that it isn't gelatinous at all. It appears to be fur. It glides through the water gently and starts to turn. Eventually, it does a full turn and you see the creature's face. It has two black eyes, a nose, and a small mouth.

You only get a quick glimpse before it turns around again and starts to swim away. The ad ends with a spokesperson saying, "That's smooth," and announcing that Klarna has been behind the ad.

Klarna Responds

After such a vivid and mysterious ad, it's no surprise that many people wondered what swam across their screens during the commercial. The ad created a buzz as many people tried to guess what the strange fur-covered creature could be. Was it footage of a rare sea creature? Was it all the work of some clever digital artists? The Klarna ad did get people talking and put the company right in the middle of an intriguing mystery.

After letting people speculate for a bit, representatives for Klarna stated that the creature in the video was just an Afghan hound. The Afghan hound used had been featured in other campaigns by the company. It certainly would explain the long, beautiful hair that gently flowed all around as the creature made its way across the screen.

It appeared that the mystery had been solved. This ad campaign is a great example of how easily our imaginations can be stimulated. When our minds have no frame of reference, it is easy to jump into the world of monsters and the paranormal.

What Did You Think?

When you saw the video, did you think it was an Afghan hound? Have you ever seen something that your mind couldn't explain? Show this video to the skeptics and true believers in your social circle and ask them for their first impressions. Let us know about the strange and unusual things you've seen.

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