Puppy Sinks Putt For Owner, His Following Celebration Will Make Your Day

Jul 07, 2020

One adorable puppy was very excited upon sinking his owner's putt during a golf session. A video of the scene was later posted online and delighted people all over the globe.

When it comes to golf, there usually aren't lots of crazy celebrations on the putting green. However, things can get a little different when there is an excited puppy right next to the hole.

In this popular video, a golfer is accompanied by a large puppy who seems more than happy to enjoy a day on the course. As the dog's owner lines up for the putt, the puppy looks on anxiously to see what will happen next. The golf pulls back the putter and hits the ball. The ball then rolls past the hole. That's when the puppy takes over. The puppy takes the ball into his mouth and sinks the putt. However, that's just the beginning. After sinking the putt, the puppy begins his celebration. It's safe to say that there are some golfers who won major tournaments who didn't jump around as much as this excited puppy.


Right now, this video has over 1,500,000 million views. The key to the popularity of this view is the sheer happiness exhibited by the puppy. Also, the video is short enough that people enjoy watching repeated views of the video.

Another key to the video's popularity is that it appeals to two distinct audiences. Puppy lovers will enjoy the video because of the little doggy's excited reaction. Also, golfers will get a kick out of the video. 

Ever since viral videos starting to make their way around the internet over 20 years ago, dog and puppy videos appear to be the most popular. On just about all social media platforms, dog videos seem to rule the day. That's because you don't have to be a dog owner to appreciate the antics of small dogs, big dogs, funny dogs, and crazy dogs. Today, there are literally millions of dog videos circulating on social media. This puppy putt video is bound to join the ranks of the most popular dog videos out there.

In a time where things seem a little crazy around the world, this cute puppy gold video is bound to put a smile on people's faces. Be sure to pass this article along to all dog lovers in your life to put a smile one their faces.