Principal's Rant About Parenting Racks Up Over 9 Million Views

Apr 25, 2019

Everyone knows that parents would do anything for their children. Our parents are there to raise us, inspire us, and teach us how to grow up to be individuals that want to make a difference in the world. Obviously, our parents want to help us in any shape or form that they can.

But sometimes parents take things a little too far and cross boundaries when it comes time to help their children through life. You may even know parents who have entitlement issues when it comes to their kids. A great example of entitlement has popped up in the media recently.

A scandal involving the college admissions process for celebrity children has been dominating the headlines, and now it’s more important than ever to recognize and remember boundaries when it comes to raising children.

It seems like this scandalous piece of news in the media has really gotten to a principal from Lexington, Kentucky. Gerry Brooks posted a video that has recently gone viral with over nine million views on social media, featuring him discussing parents that don’t adhere to rules and guidelines.

His fired-up rant talks about how parents often bend and break the rules in an attempt to help their children. Parents think that when they do this, they’re doing their children a favor, but it only hurts the kids in the long run.

Obviously, Brooks and many of us realize that parents do this from a loving place, but abiding by their grand desires rather than actual rules and fairness set in place isn’t a good example for their children.

Brooks even addresses the recent college admissions scandal by stating that he sees parents break the rules for their kids all the time. Even things that may seem trivial, like sending a child to school with peanut butter products while disregarding allergies of other children can be seen as bad behavior for parents to display.

Other examples include doing your child’s homework for them or breaking other rules in order to help the child can actually hurt them when you think about it long-term. He says:

"Everybody's so surprised about this. You know who's not surprised? Every educator in the world."

You can watch the educator’s sassy ranting in the video below:

What do you think about this principals rant? Have you ever broken the rules to help your children? Or have your parents bent rules in order for you to get ahead in life? Let us know in the comments and don't forget to pass this article to your friends, especially the ones with children.