Prince Harry’s “Deepest Fear Is History Repeating Itself,” Compares Wife Meghan Markle’s Treatment By The Press To That Of Princess Diana

Oct 08, 2019

Earlier this month, the Duchess of Sussex launched legal action against UK based media Associated Newspapers, citing the “misuse of private information, infringement of copyright and breach of the Data Protection Act 2018” as their claims against the publishers. 

Her husband the Duke of Sussex immediately released a statement towards the public condemning the “ruthless campaign” against his wife by the British tabloid press, drawing comparisons to his late mother Diana, Princess of Wales.

The statement, which was released on October 1, begins with Prince Harry describing media freedom as a “cornerstone of democracy,” with responsible media being more necessary in the world’s current state than ever before. 

The Duke then went on to condemn what he calls “relentless propaganda” against his wife Meghan.

“Up to now, we have been unable to correct the continual misrepresentations - something that these select media outlets have been aware of and have therefore exploited on a daily and sometimes hourly basis.”

Drawing comparisons to his late mother Princess Diana’s treatment by the media prior to her death, the Prince stated his “deepest fear is history repeating itself.”

“I’ve seen what happens when someone I love is commoditized to the point that they are no longer treated or seen as a real person,” he said. “I lost my mother and now I watch my wife falling victim to the same powerful forces.”

Meghan Markle initiated the lawsuit against Associated Newspapers in relation to the publication of a private letter she sent to her father Thomas Markle. In response to the lawsuit, Mr. Markle spoke to the Daily Mail to explain his reasoning for releasing the letter to the media. The 75-year-old alleged an anonymous friend of the Duchess misrepresented the contents of the letter when speaking to People Magazine.

“The letter was presented in a way that vilified me and wasn’t true,” he explained. “It was presented as her reaching out and writing a loving letter in the hope of healing the rift, but the letter isn’t like that at all. I have the right to defend myself.”

In addition to Meghan Markle’s lawsuit, Prince Harry has reportedly launched a seperate legal claim against British tabloids News Group, the Sun, and the Mirror Group in relation to alleged phone hacking. 

According to the Guardian, the time period in which the Duke’s phone was hacked was not specified in the legal proceedings, although it is likely to be a historical occurance. Should the case be taken to court, the trial is not likely to take place before October 2020. 

What do you think of Prince Harry taking legal action against British tabloids? Let us know in the comments - and make sure you pass this along to your friends and family.