Pride of Lionesses Attack Male Lion As Shocked Tourists Watch

Sep 20, 2018

Seeing some of the most majestic creatures in nature up close and personal is why many people choose to visit a safari park. While unfortunate accidents do occur despite several safety precautions, most safaris are considered a secure way for humans to observe animals in their natural habitat.

What visitors might not expect to see is a pride of lionesses attacking a male lion right before their very eyes.

That's exactly what happened a few weeks ago when 19-year-old Mya Beverstock went to the West Midlands Safari Park in Worcester, England with her parents. Shortly before noon on September 5, the family was traveling through the safari in their car when they observed two male lions perched on top of a rock, snarling at something below them.

Upon closer observation, Beverstock and her parents saw eight or nine female lions circling an older, male lion. Suddenly, the pride of lionesses pounced on the lone male, biting him from head to toe and forcing him into a body of water positioned among the rocks. As the male lion cried out for help, the pride continued their relentless assault, drawing blood from the lion and screams of shock from frightened onlookers.

As tourists scrambled to roll up their windows and lock their doors, several handlers pulled up in jeeps to surround the scary scene.

One jeep began to honk its horn loudly in an attempt to disperse the pride of female lions. When that didn't work, a few handlers started spraying the lionesses with a fire extinguisher. Finally, the safari keepers were able to get the male lion to safety while securing the aggressive pride of lionesses inside.

It's not yet known why the female lions attacked the male, but it's a common occurrence in the wild. Females sometimes kill a male if they feel he is too old to rule the pride or in a dispute over food. Whatever the reason, visitors to the safari who witnessed the attack are sure to remember the disturbing moment for years to come.

You can watch the attack below. Warning: This footage may be upsetting to some viewers:

Were you just as surprised as the tourists by the ferocity of the attack on the unsuspecting lion? Be sure to inform your friends about this startling assault in case they ever decide to visit a safari. While safari's are generally safe, it's best to be prepared in case a scary attack like this happens again.