Premature Baby Stops Breathing After Birth - Mother Revives Him With Skin To Skin Contact

Dec 03, 2019

Parents David and Kate Ogg experienced a parent's worst nightmare with their first pregnancy. They were devastated upon hearing one of their twins had stopped breathing. Their two babies were born after just 26 weeks and two minutes apart from one another. The heartbroken couple was trying to mentally and emotionally prepare for one of their newborn children to pass away. David and Kate named the baby Jamie. Kate requested she be able to hold her lifeless child. She turned to her husband and asked him to get on the hospital bed with her to hold their baby. They were going to have a last tight embrace of their child. The next thing that happened is considered to have been a miracle.

The scene seemed like something that could only happen in a movie. The child was handed to his mother and was still not breathing. As Kate lovingly held the child in her nurturing arms, he started to breathe. Each breath the baby took got stronger.

David and Kate were overwhelmed with what they were seeing. The hospital staff quickly came and got their son. They did what was necessary to make certain the baby boy was now alive and healthy, as reported here in The Telegraph

The miraculous event experienced by the couple occurred in 2010. In 2015, Jamie Ogg was reported by The Telegraph to be a happy and healthy child. He likes to hear his twin sister tell people Jamie was once dead and now is alive. She refers to her brother as a miracle child.

David and Kate Ogg tell people they had tried to get pregnant for several years. They were happy to be having twins.

It all started six months into the pregnancy. Kate was rushed to the hospital because a premature birth was coming. Jamie was born first. His sister Emily followed him after two minutes. Emily started crying immediately and Jamie never made a sound.

Kate remembers there were around 20 people in the room. The medical staff worked on their son for about 20 minutes. He wasn't breathing, and his heartbeat was extremely weak. The medical staff felt he was lost and quit working on Jamie.

Today, the twins have a younger brother named Charlie. Kate and David believe if they had let the doctor walk out of the hospital room with their son, he would have never survived.

If this touching story is something your friends would enjoy reading, then make it available to them and remind them of the power of love.