Pregnant Cow Makes Great Escape From Truck En Route To Slaughter House, Gives Birth And Becomes Mother

Jan 05, 2019

If you have ever worked on a farm, you know that the work is a laborious task. You need to get up early in the morning every day to take care of your animals. Plus, you must recognize each pig, horse and cow. If you eat burgers and steaks, you may not take the time to think about the animal that sacrificed a life. It is interesting to wonder whether cows or pigs know they are going to the slaughterhouse.

However, the majority of farmers only care about two things when the topic focuses on cows: getting free milk or burgers. If you are a vegan or vegetarian, it is a dismal thought to think about killing a cow for meat. Yet a farmer has goals to pursue. Unfortunately, a cow destined for the slaughterhouse does not have any real dreams to accomplish in her short life.

It seems strange, but cows often seem to possess a sixth sense about slaughterhouses. Sometimes, a cow seems to understand that her life is about to end. In this particular case, the cow was on a truck headed for the slaughterhouse when she made the decision to escape. She happened to see a group of deer and joined them. The deer treated her with the same respect offered to each member of the herd.

Finally, the cow was identified and caught. But this time she was not taken to the slaughterhouse. Instead, she was delivered to a sanctuary for animals and is still living even as you read this post. So, this is about an intuitive cow that managed to escape from an early demise.

You may not realize that several cows have managed to run away in recent times. Brianna recently managed to stop traffic on a New Jersey highway. News reports indicate that she was going to a Passaic County slaughterhouse when she suddenly jumped several feet from the vehicle to the ground and then ran away.

Skylands Animal Sanctuary found Brianna and decided to care for the brave cow. Evidently, Brianna did not jump off the truck to save her own life. It turns out that she was pregnant. Brianna gave birth to her calf within a couple of days after living at the sanctuary.

Mike Stura, the animal sanctuary's founder, announced that Brianna was the mom of a calf named Winter. Born on Dec. 29, 2018, Winter celebrated the new year in style without having to worry about going to a slaughterhouse one day. Stura mentioned that the baby calf looked straight into his eyes shortly after she was born.

Winter's gaze sent chills up and down his spine. Stura stated that Briana and Winter would have been dead if the mother had stayed on the truck. Luckily, she knew what to do in the nick of time. Feel free to think about the meaning of this incredible story and voice your opinions - and pass it along to your friends too.