Police Horse Must Have A Cup Of Tea In Morning Before He Begins His Shift

Dec 06, 2019

Jake, a horse that's been a part of the Merseyside Police department for a decade and a half must have a cup of tea before he starts his day. 

Not only that, but he must be allowed to drink it from the comfort of his stable. It's his way of relaxing at home with a cup of tea before heading to work. Entertainingly, he now has company and doesn't need to drink his tea alone. People who work with the Merseyside Police Department's mounted section include their equine friend in their round of tea. Merseyside Police Mounted Section stable manager and trainer Lindsey Gaven told the Mirror:

"We've all learned his tea order - he'll deal with one sugar, but is definitely happier when you remember to give him two."


According to The Mirror, Jake will not leave his stable if he does not have a cup of morning tea. But he's generally not satisfied with just that morning tea as, if he sees somebody else with a cup of tea, he will often mosey over in an attempt to help drink their tea too.

"If you're at the side of the stable and he sees you with a mug in your hand, you can guarantee he'll trot on over to try and steal a slurp," Gaven told the tabloid. 

The 20-year-old chestnut-brown horse was already known as a "horse with a lot of character" as Gaven had said. However, he is now nearing his retirement, which is expected to occur in about a year.

But that's in the future. Now, when his tea has been drunk and it's time for him to get to work, Jake turns his focus to his job. This is done throughout the English county of Merseyside and includes working at football matches and horse races.

Do you require a morning tea or coffee before you start your day? Can you relate to Jake's needs? Pass this on to all your tea or coffee drinking friends.