Police Discover 407 Dogs In The Largest Dog Fighting Bust In History

Jan 09, 2020

In modern times, it is shocking that dogfighting still exists. The idea that people wager on dogs tearing each other apart is appalling. Sadly, dogfighting is more than an idea. Thankfully, the law works hard to shut down dogfighting events and arrest those running them. In the state of Missouri, ten years ago, police responded to reports of a dogfighting ring and discovered over 400 abused animals. The officer closed down the illegal operation and arrested many participants. 

The massive dogfighting ring's operators kept hundreds of dogs. When the police officers launched their raid, they found over 400 dogs, a shocking figure as reported here at The River Front Times.

Scores of the poor dogs displayed open wounds, missing limbs, scarring, and worse. 


The raid could be the most massive dogfighting bust in history. Breaking the dogfighting ring proved incredibly difficult since dog fighting takes place in secret. The underground following that supports dogfighting doesn't speak publicly about it, so making arrests becomes incredibly complicated. Thanks to hard work by state and federal law enforcement agencies, team members gathered enough information and evidence to break the ring.

One amazing bit of good news comes out of the raid - 60% of the abused dogs recovered from their wounds and are in good health. These dogs now have an opportunity to find new and caring homes with loving owners.

Raising awareness about the horrors of dogfighting could help put a stop to it. Make sure your pet-loving friends learn about this shocking story.