Playful Dolphin Jumps Out Of Water To Give Pup A Kiss Then Does A Happy Little Dance

Jun 21, 2019

This world can often seem grim and upsetting. It feels like every day, the news features some new and awful story.

On the other hand, sometimes you see something that is so wonderful that you can't help but smile. Pet owners experience this kind of thing often. Dogs, especially -- no offense, cat lovers -- know exactly how to cheer up their families.

There's a lot of truth to the saying that dogs are humans' best friends.

In a sweet clip from "Dolphins," a classic IMAX movie, an intrepid dolphin decides to give one owner a little competition for who the dog's real best friend is. The clip shows two dogs riding on a small boat.

As they glide through the water, a curious dolphin comes up to the side. One of the dogs leans over for a closer look...and the dolphin jumps up to give him a kiss!

After the cutest smooch ever captured on film, the dolphin swims away, but it's not finished being adorable just yet. As everyone watches, the dolphin springs from the water and does a soaring dive back beneath the waves. It's almost as if the dolphin is doing a leap to express its happiness.

The dog gives a few throaty goodbye barks as the dolphin finally heads back out to sea. It's impossible to watch the clip and not smile. It's proof that magic and beauty still exist in this world -- sometimes we just have to look a little further to find it!

Did this cute kiss brighten your day a little? If so, spread the news to other people who could use a pick-me-up.