Peyton Manning And Family Adopt Puppy That Had Been Kept In A Garbage Bag By Carnie

Aug 07, 2018

A team of kindhearted and caring people rallied around a small, traumatized puppy named Sunshine. The poor puppy had been abandoned at a fair in Mississippi Thanks to the tireless efforts of many people, Sunshine has also found her forever home. You’ll be surprised to hear who it is with. Sunshine was adopted and is now being cared for by none other than football star Peyton Manning, along with his family. They adopted the puppy after falling in love with her.

A tiny, 2-pound puppy was all but ignored amid all of the commotion and excitement of the Neshoba County Fair. The puppy was being mistreated and had flown under the radar up until this point, but her luck was about to change. Sunshine would have probably lived a life of abuse, but she was rescued by staff from the Animal Rescue Fund of Mississippi, who happened to be having fun at that very same fair.

They saw the neglected dog and came up with a plan of action to rescue her. The puppy showed many signs of abuse. It looked as though she had been stuffed into a garbage bag or tied up too tightly. She was also suffering from intestinal parasites and was covered in fleas.

ARF immediately provided the young puppy with food and water. They were thrilled to see her eating heartily. This puppy started out with a terrible life. However, you could soon see her sunny disposition shine through. When Sunshine was healthy enough to be put up for adoption, ARF staff started to search for a nearby foster home to take her in.

Sunshine quickly settled into her foster home. So many people came to love and dote on her, from friends and family members to the Peyton Manning family.

The family all fell in love with this precious pooch. The rest is history! The Manning family heard that Sunshine was ready to be adopted by a loving family. They decided that they were the right family for her and asked if they could adopt her. Pippa Jackson, a staff member at ARF, stated on Facebook that Sunshine is now a happy member of the Manning family and will be “living life large.”

The Manning family are considering a new name for Sunshine. Many fans have suggested “Omaha,” but the Manning kids are thinking about the name Livvy.

What did you think of this truly uplifting story? We are so glad Sunshine was rescued! Tell us your best puppy names in the comments and be sure to pass this story on!