People Spot Red Circle And ‘Dance Here’ Written In Chalk On Sidewalk & Dance Their Hearts Out

May 19, 2023

Imagine finding something that can make anyone smile. For at least just a few moments, people’s worries can dissipate, and their true happiness can shine through. Well, content creator Thoraya Maronesy seems to be on a mission to provide good times and make strangers smile — and she’s doing a pretty good job at it, if we say so ourselves.

Maronesy is active on several social media platforms and has become increasingly popular thanks to her heartfelt videos. She essentially has done her best to document real-life moments with strangers. Some of her videos have focused on people baring their souls and sharing their deepest secrets, while others have been thoroughly inspirational and uplifting.

According to her YouTube bio, Maronesy’s channel is “dedicated to interactive projects with strangers.” She explained that her “goal is to share as many real stories as possible” over the course of her lifetime.

On May 14, 2023, Maronesy uploaded a video to YouTube that she described as “the most beautiful footage of strangers dancing in public.” In the video, several people walked across the sidewalks in California and noticed a red circle on the ground with the words “dance here” written in chalk next to the circle. Accompanying the circle was also a little speaker with music playing.

Rather than being confused when stumbling across this message on the sidewalk, several people that saw the circle and the “dance here” note decided to do exactly as they were told — dance! Maronesy’s video of the California strangers dancing their hearts out has gone on to capture hearts across the world and may just inspire people to bust their own moves.

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Maronesy uploaded her video of strangers dancing, much to the world’s amusement. She wrote in the video’s description: “‘So you just go around California making random people dance?’ Hmmmm....” She also shared that the featured songs in the video were “Shake! Shake! Shake!” by Bronze Radio Return, “Candy” by The Wildcardz and Dazeychain and “Free” by Wonderland.

Maronesy shared some behind-the-scenes footage of the video showing how she used red tape to make the circle so it would stand out more on the sidewalk. She also talked to many of the strangers that came across her setup and encouraged them to bust a move.

The strangers did not disappoint. People from all walks of life danced their hearts out, with some people adding intricate footwork and others choosing to rely more on letting their hands soar freely in the air. A few clips of the video showed groups of friends taking over the circle to shimmy together, while another clip showed a little girl in a tutu stomping around. Even a few dogs strutted their paws across the circle, although they didn’t really dance.

The video has gone on to receive more than 2.5 million views and 19,000 likes. People flooded the comment section to share their joy in watching the video. 

“The pure joy every single one of them has on they're face while they're dancing is just so beautiful!” one person said. 

Another commented: “That was absolute joy to watch! Thanks to all for the happiness! My heart is so full. ❤️.” 

Meanwhile, another person said: “A dance circle should be all around the America. This is the most joyful thing I have watched in a while. I can't stop smiling!”

What was your favorite part of this video? What song do you dance your heart out to? Let us know, and be sure to pass this along to your loved ones and anyone who might find this story inspiring!

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