People Did Not Realize They Were Attending Their Own Funerals For An Anti-Speeding Ad Campaign

Sep 13, 2019

When most people go out with their friends and family, they certainly do not expect to head to a funeral. After all, when you go to a funeral it is likely something you know about at least a few days in advance, right?

You probably knew the person who passed away, and you are headed there to grieve for them properly. You meet family and friends at the home to talk about the person in the casket. It certainly isn’t a time to talk about yourself, at least for “normal” funeral arrangements.

That is why it was shocking for some people who met up with friends only to be taken to a “funeral” instead. However, it wasn’t the type of funeral they were expecting. Instead of meeting with their friends to hang out and talk and laugh, five completely unsuspecting people ended up arriving at a funeral in a clip by “Go For Zero.” When you see it for yourself, you will understand just how dramatic yet useful the whole set-up can be.

When they got to the pre-arranged meeting place, they realized that they weren’t there for what they first thought they were there for. Instead of having a fun night out with friends, they found themselves sitting down surrounded by loved ones.

It didn’t take long for them to understand what was actually happening to them. They were all at their own “funerals.” While it was a creepy and disturbing way to get their attention, this method proved to be useful for those who were engaging in destructive and dangerous behavior.

It made them realize just how they were affecting the people around them and what they were headed into.

You’ll see in the clip just what we mean. The people waiting in the funeral home aren’t actors hired to play a part in a show. They are concerned family members and friends who are hoping that their dramatic plan will help scare their loved ones straight.

Why were these particular people invited to attend their own funerals at all? You can learn more from watching this powerful video below. You may even want to show it to others who could learn from it.

Do you agree with this method? If you answered yes, please leave us a comment below. Feel free to pass it on to others who may need to hear it. You could even save a life!