Parents With Thirty-Eight Children Spend $52,000 On Groceries Each Year And Don't Plan On Stopping Soon

Oct 06, 2020

For most of us, having just two or three kids can feel like another full-time job. There are very few of us who could fathom what it would be like to have a whopping 38 children.

Well, that's Jeane and Paul Briggs' reality. The West Virginia family has adopted 32 children over the years, on top of the 6 they've had biologically. They've made it their mission to give a loving home to children from all backgrounds who need it, whatever the cost!

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Paul and Jeane Briggs might have 38 children, but they didn't end up with such a huge amount of kids by accident. Instead, they fulfilled their lifelong dream of having a huge family, comprised mostly of unwanted children in need of a loving home.

Jeane and Paul met when they were teens at a summer camp for Christian youths report Inside Edition. They were a perfect match right from the start and the young lovers knew that they were destined to spend the rest of their lives together.

After marrying in 1976, the couple knew they wanted to start a family. They went on to have three children of their own. Devout Christians, Paul and Jeane continued to do volunteer work as an expression of their faith. In 1985, Jeane met a blind young orphan boy while doing missionary work in Mexico. She bonded with the orphan and knew that he was destined to be her son. Jeane and Paul adopted him and brought him home with them to their West Virginia home.

But the Briggs didn't stop there. Over the next few decades, they continued to adopt orphans and foster kids who were in desperate need of a loving home. Today, the couple has adopted 32 children, in addition to the 6 children they brought into this world biologically.

While the Briggs' are Caucasian, their children come from all different ethnicities and nationalities. Love knows no color or creed in Jeane and Paul's household. Love also knows no physical requirements, as many of the Briggs kids have disabilities.

However, feeding that many children isn't cheap. People who've read the story of the Briggs family might be moved by their compassion, love, and kindness, but their jaws always drop when they hear this massive family's yearly grocery bill. The Briggs' spend a shocking $52,000 a year on food alone!

In spite of their big food bills, the Briggs' serve as a reminder that love is a powerful force in our world and that there's no right or wrong definition of "family." Do you know any other people who give back to so many? Pass this story along to anyone who could use a reason to smile today.

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